This is Docket ZB 20-02 LMAC Hopeful 2022.
ZB 20-02 3-10-20 CME Review Letter
ZB 20-02 3-11-20 Statement of Variances – Gravatt
ZB 20-02 List of Professionals and Consultants
ZB 20-02 Supporting Submittal Documents
ZB20-02_Variance Plot Plan_012420
ZB20-02 Exhibits BuySell Letters
ZB20-01 LMAC Hopefull 2022
ZB 20-01 3-10-20 CME Review letter
ZB 20-01 List of Professionals and ConsultantsZB 20-02 3-11-20 Statement of Variances – Gravatt
ZB20-01 Variance Plot Plan_012420
ZB 20-01 Exhibits BuySell Letters
ZB 20-03 363 Bayshore LLC
ZB 20-03 Survey 361-363 Bay Shore
ZB 20-03 Variance Map amended thru 04152020