Tax Collector Crystal Brinson, CTC
609-698-0080 Ext. 140 or 142
Fax: 609-698-8746
The Tax Collector is responsible for the yearly billing and quarterly collection of the tax levy within guidelines mandated by the State of New Jersey.
Property Tax Bills – Property tax bills are mailed our ONCE a year, usually in Mid-July and cover four quarterly payments. The bill mailed in July includes the 3rd and 4th quarters of the current year and the preliminary 1st and 2nd quarters of the next year.
Payments are due quarterly: February 1st, May 1st, August 1st and November 1st, with a 10 day grace period, the maximum allowed by State Law. If the 10th day falls on a weekend or a Township Holiday, the grace period is extended to the Township’s next business day.
Late Payments for Taxes – Interest on late payments is charged according to State Laws over which the Township has NO control. If your payment is received in our office after the grace period has ended, your payment will be subject to interest charges. Interest is calculated back to the original due date at an annual rate of 8% on amounts up to $1500 and 18% on amounts over $1500 and continues to accrue until the account is brought current. Envelope postmark is not accepted.
New Homeowners – Tax bills are not always transferred at closing, however, it is ultimately the homeowner’s responsibility to obtain this information.
Homeowners paying taxes through a mortgage – If you have made arrangements for your mortgage company to pay your taxes, they are required to send us a “tax authorization” notice indicating that they should receive your original tax bill. You will then receive a duplicate (advice copy) of the tax bill.
Added Assessment Bills – If improvements are made to your house, it may generate an “Added Assessment” bill in October after the regular bill has been mailed. This bill is payable in addition to the regular tax bill. If your mortgage company is paying your taxes, the Added Assessment bill will be mailed to them, however, not all mortgage companies will pay the Added Assessment. It is ultimately the homeowner’s responsibility to find out if the mortgage company will pay or if the homeowner must submit payment on his own.
Rebates and Deductions – The State of New Jersey has instituted several rebate programs regarding property taxes. For information on the Property Tax Rebate program (PTR or “tax freeze”) you may call 1-800-882-6597 or For information on Homestead Rebate, you may call 1-888-238-1233. You may also qualify for a $250 senior citizen deduction or a $250 veteran’s deduction. For information on these discounts, please call the Tax Assessor’s office at 609-698-0080 Ext. 146.
Water and Sewer Fees – The Tax Collector is also responsible for the billing and collecting of Water/Sewer bills. Water/Sewer Meters are read quarterly by the Township’s Water/Sewer department. Payments are due quarterly: January 15th, April 15th, July 15th and October 15th. Please see below chart which shows quarterly billing dates and how bills are calculated.
Water Sewer Billing Chart 2024
Late Payments for Water/Sewer – There is also a 10 grace period on Water/Sewer Bills, however, if a payment is received after the grace period has expired, Interest is charged at the same rate as taxes – 8% on amounts up to $1500 and 18% on amounts over $1500. If the 10th day falls on a weekend or a Township Holiday, the grace period is extended to the Township’s next business day. Accounts with delinquencies of 60 days or more are subject to service being Shut-off.
Credit Card payments will still be accepted in Office for Water/Sewer Only.
Tax and Water Sewer payments must be submitted on separate checks
Authorization Agreement for ACH Direct Withdrawls
Credit Cards will not be accepted for properties subject to Tax Sale.