609-698-0080   Fax: 609-698-7446
Construction Permit Questions Ext. 114, 150 & 153
Zoning Officer Ext. 159
Code Enforcement Officer Ext.  156 – 159
Rentals & Resales Ext. 159
Planning/Zoning Board Ext. 155
Construction Official Ext. 151
Building Subcode Ext. 175
Electrical Subcode Ext. 158
Fire Subcode Ext. 157
Plumbing Subcode Ext. 115


 Raising, Demolition, Service Disconnection and Restoration

Raising Homes Info

Demolition Info



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I. Permits are required prior to construction for any building or other structure, or for any “use” of land or buildings.

II. Zoning Permits Zoning Officer – John Durasky Extension #159
A. “Zoning” applies to ‘what use” may be made of land and /or buildings, what may be constructed and where; and may control minimum / maximum size, height, setbacks, etc.
B. A Zoning Permit is required prior to construction, alteration or excavation for any building or other structure, or for any use of a building or land. This includes: sheds, fences, decks, pools, and signs; new homes, additions, garages, screen rooms, driveways, patios, pavers, etc. If in doubt, check with the Zoning Officer to be sure.
C. “Setbacks” control where a building or other structure may be placed on a lot.
D. A survey or plot plan prepared by a licensed NJ surveyor is required for all fence and other Zoning Permits.

III. Construction Permits / C.O.’s Construction Office, Ext. 150
A. Required for construction activity or occupancy, including but not limited to:

New buildings or additions to buildings

Occupancy of any building

Re-Roofing / windows replacement for commercial and attached homes only

Pilings / bulkheading / signs

Above ground decks / pools

B. Permits Required  (see attachment)

IV. Prior approvals precede issuance of Zoning / Construction Permits. Certain activities and / or locations require approvals / permits from other agencies prior to issuance of local Zoning or Construction permits. Any applicable county, state or federal agency approval must be on file in the Zoning Qffice.  Agencies with prior approval jurisdiction include:
A. Pinelands Approval, West of the Parkway only
B. DEP approval for waterfront properties and areas of fresh water wetlands
C. New Jersey Department of Transportation approval for state road properties Route 9 and Route 72  (Highway Access permit or letter)
D. County Soil Conservation District for soil disturbance of 5,000 square feet or more
E. County Health Department approval for septic, well or Food Handling
F. Board Site Plan approval for any commercial, office, industrial building or use and for any alterations / additions (to these), except where covered by an existing site plan or otherwise exempt, with no change in use or expansion.
G. Site Plan Review Subcommittee of the Planning Board hears minor applications for home occupations and home professional offices, change of commercial use or occupancy with no extensive construction or improvements and, minor alterations construction in the Historic District. The Site Plan Subcommittee may recommend to the Board to waive the requirement of site plan or, under specific criteria may exempt this requirement entirely. Please contact the community Development Department 698-0080, ext 155 for further information.
H. Board Variance for any deviation from Zoning regulations or Development Standards. I. Planned Adult Community or Homeowners Association Approval.

V. Documents required prior to issuance of Zoning/Construction Permits:
A. Sealed architectural drawings where applicable(check with inspector)
B. Two(2) sets building plans for any construction
C. Survey/Plot plan for Zoning permit, prepared by a licensed NJ surveyor
D. Copy of board approval, if applicable
E. Copy of other agency approval- County, State, Federal, where applicable
F. Site Plan Subcommittee/Board approval(for commercial uses, home occupations and properties in the Historic District