2021 Ordinance List
Ordinance 2021-1 Introduced: 1/1/21 Adopted: 2/2/221
Amending sections of Chapter 55 of the Township Code Entitled “Land Use†and specifically the Side and Rear Yard setback requirements
Ordinance 2021-2 Introduced: 1/1/21 Adopted: 2/2/21
Releasing, extinguishing and vacating the rights of the public in a portion of paper streets.
Ordinance 2021-3 Introduced: 1/1/21 Adopted: 2/2/21
Amending and supplementing Chapter 13 of the Township Code entitled “Personnel Policyâ€
Ordinance 2021-4 Introduced: 1/1/21 Adopted: 2/2/21
Amending and supplementing various sections of Chapter 55 of the Township Code Entitled “Land Useâ€
Ordinance 2021-5 Introduced: 2/2/21 Adopted: 3/2/21
An Ordinance to exceed the Municipal Budget Appropriation limits and to establish a Cap Bank in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:4-45.14
Ordinance 2021-06 Introduced: 2/2/21 Adopted: 3/2/21
Amending and supplementing Chapter 55 of the Township Code entitled “Land Use†and specifically section 329 thereof entitled “Stormwater Management Plans for Non-Pinelands Propertyâ€
Ordinance 2021-7 Introduced: 3/2/21 Adopted: 4/6/21
Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 48-9 of the Township code entitled “Receptacle Requirementsâ€.
Ordinance 2021-8 Introduced: 4/6/21 Adopted: 5/4/21
Ordinance Amending and Supplementing Chapter 66 of the Township Code entitled “Street and Sidewalks†and specifically section 26 thereof entitled “Permits Required; Feeâ€
Ordinance 2021-9 Introduced: 4/6/21 Adopted: 5/4/21
Ordinance Amending and Supplementing chapter 55 of the Township Code entitled “Land Use†and specifically section 55-5 entitled “General Provisions†and specifically section F, thereof entitled “Marijuana, Cannabis and/or Paraphernalia†to prohibit the operation of any class of Cannabis Businesses within the Township of Barnegat
Ordinance 2021-10 Introduced: 5/4/21 Adopted: 6/1/21
Ordinance Releasing, Extinguishing and Vacating the Rights of the Public in a portion of Paper Streets known as Miro Avenue, Picasso Avenue, and Mulberry Street.
Ordinance 2021-11 Introduced: 5/4/21 Adopted: 6/1/21
Ordinance Establishing Chapter 55A of the Township Code entitled “Building Numbering Systemâ€.
Ordinance 2021-12 Introduced: 6/1/21 Adopted: 8/3/21
Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 55 of the Township Code Entitled “Land Use†and specifically sections 55-188.2 Design Standards and 55-305 Entitled “Definitions and word usage
Ordinance 2021-13 Introduced: 7/1/21 Adopted: 8/3/21
Amending and Supplementing Chapter 36 of the Township Code entitled “Brush, Weeds, Obnoxious Growth section 36-1 thereof Entitled “Removalâ€.
Ordinance 2021-14 Introduced: 7/1/21 Adopted: 8/3/21
Amending and Supplementing Chapter 39 of the Township Code entitled “Construction Codes, Uniform†and Specifically Section 2 thereof Entitled “Feesâ€
Ordinance 2021-15 Introduced: 8/3/21 Adopted: 9/7/21
Amending and Supplementing Chapter 71 of the Township code Entitled “Vehicles and Traffic, section 71-7.2 Thereof Entitled “Truck and Bus Exclusionsâ€
Ordinance 2021-16 Introduced: 8/3/21 Adopted: 9/7/21
Amending and Supplementing Chapter 74-17.3 of the Township Code Entitled “Cross-Connection Control Programâ€
Ordinance 2021-17 Introduced: 8/3/21 Adopted: 9/7/21
Amending and Supplementing Chapter 63B of the Township Code Entitled “Rental Propertiesâ€
Ordinance 2021-18 Introduced: 8/3/21 Adopted: 9/7/21
Authorizing Lease of Public Land pursuant to NJSA 40A:12-12 et seq. to
Starve Poverty International, Inc.
Ordinance 2021-19 Introduced: 8/3/21 Adopted: 9/7/21
Amending and Supplementing Chapter 71A of the Township code Entitled “Vehicles, Parking Restrictions in Residential Areasâ€
Ordinance 2021-20 Introduced: 9/7/21 Adopted 10/5/21
Amending Chapter 46B of the Township Code to repeal Ordinance 2013-15 & 2014-21 and to adopt a New Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance.
Ordinance 2021-21 Introduced: 9/7/21 Adopted 10/5/21
An Ordinance of the Township authorizing the sale of real property known as Block 125 Lot 3, 56 Cape May Avenue
Ordinance 2021-22 Introduced: 11/4/21 Adopted: 12/7/21
Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 74 of the Township Code entitled Water/Sewer Utility
Ordinance 2021-23 Introduced: 11/4/21 Adopted: 12/7/21
Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 55 “Land Use†section 35 entitled “CC-CPHD†Commercial Core Planned Highway Development Overlay zone
Ordinance 2021-24 Introduced: 11/4/21 Adopted: 12/7/2021
Salary Ordinance establishing salaries of certain officers and employees and repealing any and all other ordinances inconsistent herewith