Ordinance 2018-01 Introduced: 2/6/18 Adopted: 3/6/18
An Ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a Cap Bank in accordance with N.J.S.A 40A:4-45.14
Ordinance 2018-02 Introduced: 2/6/18 Adopted: 3/6/18
An Ordinance authorizing and directing a change of street name Chatham Lane in Horizons Development to Toad Hollow Lane
Ordinance 2018-03 Introduced: 2/6/18 Adopted: 3/6/18
An Ordinance authorizing conveyance of real property known and designated as Block 184 Lot 1, 99 Picasso Avenue to R. Stone & Company, Inc.
Ordinance 2018-04 Introduced: 2/6/18 Adopted: 3/6/18
An Ordinance amending and supplementing the Township Code in order to remove and repeal Chapter 14 entitled “Cox Museum and Library Management Committeeâ€
Ordinance 2018 – 05 ***TABLED***
An Ordinance amending and supplementing the Township Code deleting Chapter 64 entitled “Rent Levelingâ€
Ordinance 2018-06 Introduced: 2/6/18 Adopted: 3/6/18
An Ordinance amending and supplementing the Township Code to create new Chapter 61 entitled “Pet Shopsâ€
Ordinance 2018-07 Introduced: 2/6/18 Adopted: 3/6/18
An Ordinance authorizing the sale of whatever interest is owned by the Township in Block 174.03 Lot 38.02 to the adjoining property owner Approval for the use of Municipal Dock for a Community Easter Sunrise Service on April 1, 2018 at 6:30a.m., all are welcome to attend
Ordinance 20018-8 Introduced: 3/6/18 Adopted: 4/3/18
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 46B of the Township General Code entitled “Flood Damage Prevention†to add new definitions
Ordinance 2018-9 Introduced: 3/6/18 Adopted: 4/3/18
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 52 of the Township General Code entitled “Hawkers, Peddlers, Canvassers, Solicitors†to increase fees, and create new Article II entitled “Mobile Vendors†and requiring criminal background checks for vendors under this chapter
Ordinance 2018-10 Introduced: 3/6/18 Adopted: 4/3/18
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 63B of the Township General Code entitled “Rental Properties†to increase the fee for rental inspection upon initial occupancy or change of occupancy
Ordinance 2018-11 Introduced: 3/6/18 Adopted: 4/3/18
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 70 of the Township General Code entitled “Random Drug Testing for First Aid and Firefighting Volunteersâ€
Ordinance 2018-12 Introduced: 3/6/18 Adopted: 4/3/18
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Article III, Chapter 55.80 of the Township Land Use Code entitled “Fees†increasing fees for various Zoning Permits
Ordinance 2018-13 Introduced: 4/3/18 Adopted: 5/1/18
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 44A of the Township General Code entitled “Fees, Miscellaneous†specifically Chapter 44A-3 Tax Collector’s Office in order to add tax sale notice mailing fee
Ordinance 2018 – 14 **Tabled**
An Ordinance creating new Chapter in the Township General Code in order to create a permit process to facilitate and regulate entertainment industry work performed in the Township i.e. filming and broadcasting projects within the Township
Ordinance 2018-15 Introduced: 5/1/18 Adopted 5/24/18
An Ordinance to implement the Township’s Third Round Housing Plan Element and Fair Share Plan consistent with the terms of a settlement agreement reached between the Township and the Fair Share Housing Center regarding compliance with the Township’s Third Round Affordable Housing Obligations in accordance with in re: N.J.A.C 5:96 and 5:97, 221 N.J. 1 (2015), the NJ Fair Housing Act, and relevant regulations and policies adopted by the NJ Council on Affordable Housing
Ordinance 2018-16 Introduced: 5/1/18 Adopted: 5/24/18
An Ordinance amending Article II entitled “Zoning District Regulations†to require that accessory apartments in the TC-CV and TC-CPHD Zoning Districts be affordable to low and moderate income households
Ordinance 2018-17 Introduced: 5/1/18 Adopted: 5/24/18
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 55-7 to adopt the revised Zoning Map for the Township
Ordinance 2018-18 Introduced: 5/1/18 Adopted: 5/24/18
An Ordinance authorizing and approving the amendment to the Shoreline Sand and Gravel and Compass Point Redevelopment Plan for property known as Block 92 Lots 15, 16, 18, 18.01, 20, 21, 23, 23.03 and 23.04 which comprise the Shoreline Sand & Gravel Tract; and Block 92.103 Lots 1 through 4; Block 92.104 Lots 1 through 16; Block 92.105 Lots 1 through 23; Block 92.106 Lots 1 through 24; Block 92.107 Lots 7 & 8; Block 92.108 Lots 15 through 24; Block 92.109 Lots 14 & 15; Block 92.113 Lots 42 through 45 which comprise the Compass Point Tract
Ordinance 2018-19 Introduced: 5/1/18 Adopted: 5/24/18
An Ordinance approving the Sweet Jenny’s Redevelopment Plan for property known and designated as Block 195 Lots 5 & 6.01
Ordinance 2018-20 Introduction: 6/12/18 Adopted: 7/3/18
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 36 of the Township Code entitled “Brush, Weeds, Obnoxious Growthâ€
Ex: required in order to increase current fees
Ordinance 2018-21 Introduction: 6/12/18 Adopted: 7/3/18
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 71, Article VII “Parking Restrictions†Section 29, entitled “Handicap Parking Areasâ€
Ex: required in order to remove dedicated space in residential area
Ordinance 2018-22 Introduction: 6/12/18 Adopted: 7/3/18
An Ordinance of the Township donating property to the Ocean County Natural Lands Trust Fund, for Open Space Preservation
Ex: required to convey property approved on resolution 2017-335
Ordinance 2018-23 Introduction: 6/12/18 Adopted: 7/3/18
An Ordinance of the Township amending and supplementing Chapter 55.5 of the Land Use Code to restrict the sale, manufacture and farming of marijuana and marijuana paraphernalia
Ordinance 2018 – 24 Introduction: 7/3/18 TABLED
An Ordinance amending Chapter 64 of the Township Code regarding Rent Leveling Board
Ordinance 2018 – 25 Introduction: 7/3/18 TABLED
An Ordinance creating new Chapter 60A to establish regulations and prescribe penalties for excessive consumption of municipal services
Ordinance 2018-26 Introduction: 9/4/18 Adopted: 10/2/18
An Ordinance of the Township amending and supplementing Chapter 12C, entitled “Officers and Employees†to amend Section 12C-7 entitled “Township Committeeâ€
Ordinance 2018-27 Introduction: 9/4/18 Adopted: 10/2/18
An Ordinance of the Township amending and supplementing Chapter 15, entitled “Police Department†to amend Section 15-9 “Rules & Regulationsâ€EX: to delete in its entirety Chapter 6 of the Rules & Regulations “Promotional Requirementsâ€
Ordinance 2018-28 Introduction: 9/4/18 Adopted: 10/2/18
An Ordinance re-appropriating $750,000 of proceeds of obligations not needed for their original purposes in order to provide funding for a portion of the cost of the new Public Works Building for the Township
Ordinance 2018-29 Introduction: 9/4/18 Adopted: 10/2/18
An Ordinance providing funding for a portion of the cost of the construction of a new Public Works Building for the Township and appropriating $500,000 therefore from the Township’s Capital Improvement Fund
Ordinance 2018-30 Introduction: 9/4/18 Adopted: 10/2/18
An Ordinance amending Chapter 64 of the Township Code regarding Rent Leveling Board
Ordinance 2018-31 Introduction: 9/4/18 Adopted: 10/2/18
An Ordinance creating new Chapter 60A to establish regulations and prescribe penalties for excessive consumption of municipal services
Ordinance 2018-32 Introduction: 9/4/18 Adopted: 10/2/18
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 55, Land Use Code, Zone Commercial Core-Commercial Planned Highway Development (CC-CPHD)
Ordinance 2018-33 Introduction: 10/2/18 Adopted: 11/13/18
An Ordinance of the Township amending and supplementing Chapter 55, Land Use Code, Section 351 entitled “Mandatory Development Fees, Non-Residentialâ€
Ordinance 2018-34 Introduction: 10/2/18 Adopted: 11/13/18
An Ordinance of the Township amending and supplementing Chapter 71A of the Township General Code entitled “Vehicles, Parking Restrictions in Residential Areasâ€
Ordinance 2018-35 Introduction: 10/2/18 Adopted: 11/13/18
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 9A of the Township General Code entitled “Deputy Township Clerkâ€
Ordinance 2018-36 Introduction: 10/2/18 Adopted: 11/13/18
An Ordinance amending Chapter 44A-2.A.of the Barnegat Township Municipal code concerning fees to be charged for certain public record requests
Ordinance 2018-37 Introduction: 10/2/18 Adopted: 11/13/18
An Ordinance amending and supplementing the Township Code, Chapter 74, “Water and Sewer Utilityâ€
Ordinance 2018-38 Introduction: 11/13/18 Adopted 12/4/18
An Ordinance establishing certain salaries of certain officers and employees and repealing any and all other ordinances inconsistent herewith
Ordinance 2018-39 Introduction: 11/13/18 Adopted 12/4/18
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 46B of the Township Code, entitled “Flood Damage Preventionâ€
Ordinance 2018-40 Introduction: 11/13/18 Adopted 12/4/18
An Ordinance accepting Right of Way Deed Dedication from Walters Development Company, LLC of property known as Ocean Acres, designated as Block 92.24 part of Lot 1 (Fullrigger Avenue) for road widening purposes