MAY 7, 2012, 6:30 PM
1. Call to Order
2. Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law:
Pursuant to the requirements of the OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS LAW, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given:
a. By publication in the required newspapers of the date, time and location of this meeting more than 48 hours in advance.
b. By posting advance written notice on the official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building.
c. By filing advance written notice with the Township Clerk for the purpose of Public inspection.
ANNOUNCEMENT: At this time we ask everyone to please turn all cell phones or pages to either OFF or VIBRATE.
3. Roll Call of Officials Present:
Committeeman Lisella –
Committeeman Morano –
Committeeman Melchiondo –
Deputy Mayor Bille –
Mayor Cirulli –
Invocation by Reverend Glenn Swank, Pastor of Barnegat Bay Assembly of God
4. Salute to the flag
Resolution authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel, public safety, contractual and litigation matters.
Motion to adopt resolution: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella: Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
5. Mayor’s Report
6. Committee Reports
7. Administrator’s Report
Motion to open Public Comment: Second:
Motion to close Public Comment: Second:
8. New Business:
Approval of Minutes for the Regular Township Committee Meeting of April 23, 2012
Motion to approve Minutes: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella: Morano: Melchiondo
Bille: Cirulli:
9. Old Business
Ordinance 2012-05Â (Second Reading)
An Ordinance amending Chapter 55, Land Use, of the Code of the Township of Barnegat
Motion to Open Public Comment: Second:
Motion to Close Public Comment: Second
Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
Explanation: To create a new Town Center area along Route 9 from the intersection of Route 9 and Barnegat Boulevard North to just before the intersection of Route 9 and Gunning River Road
Ordinance 2012-06Â (Second Reading)
An Ordinance amending Chapter 55, Land Use, of the Code of the Township of Barnegat
Motion to Open Public Comment: Second:
Motion to Close Public Comment: Second
Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella: Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
Explanation: To create a new Commercial Core Planned Highway Development Commercial (CC-CPHD) Overlay Zone along the Route 9 Corridor
Ordinance 2012-07Â (Second Reading)
An Ordinance amending Chapter 55, Land Use, of the Code of the Township of Barnegat
Motion to Open Public Comment: Second:
Motion to Close Public Comment: Second
Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella: Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
Explanation: This Ordinance amends Section 55-31, Schedule of Area, Yard and Building Requirements and Schedule A to include the bulk, yard and other requirements for the TC_CPHD, TC-CN, TC-CV and CC-CPHD Overlay Zones.
Ordinance 2012-08Â (Second Reading)
An Ordinance amending Chapter 55, Land Use, of the Code of the Township of Barnegat
Motion to Open Public Comment: Second:
Motion to Close Public Comment: Second
Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella: Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
Explanation: This Ordinance will amend Chapter 55 in accordance with the Township of Barnegat’s Initial Plan Endorsement amending Section 55-7 Zoning Map to reflect changes that have occurred since the adoption of the last Zoning Map, dated May 10, 2005
Ordinance 2012-09Â (Second Reading)
An Ordinance amending Chapter 55, Land Use, of the Code of the Township of Barnegat
Motion to Open Public Comment: Second:
Motion to Close Public Comment: Second
Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella: Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
Explanation: This Ordinance will establish parking standards for the uses permitted within the TC-CPHD, TC-CN, TC-CV and CC-CPHD
Ordinance 2012-09Â (Second Reading)
An Ordinance amending Chapter 55, Land Use, of the Code of the Township of Barnegat
Motion to Open Public Comment: Second:
Motion to Close Public Comment: Second
Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
Explanation: Wellhead Protection Overlay District Ordinance, for the protection of water resources
Ordinance 2012-11Â (Second Reading)
An Ordinance amending Chapter 55, Land Use, of the Code of the Township of Barnegat
Motion to Open Public Comment: Second:
Motion to Close Public Comment: Second
Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella: Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
Explanation: To revise requirements for Political Signs
Ordinance 2012-12Â (Second Reading)
An Ordinance amending the Codified Ordinances of the Township of Barnegat in particular redesignating certain lots from the Residential Conservation Zone to the Residential High Zone and amending the Township Zoning Map to reflect that modification
Motion to Open Public Comment: Second:
Motion to Close Public Comment: Second
Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella: Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
Explanation: To change designation of certain lots in the Ocean Acres Section 3
Ordinance 2012-16Â (Second Reading)
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 39 of the General Code Book entitled “Construction Codes, Uniformâ€
Motion to Open Public Comment: Second:
Motion to Close Public Comment: Second
Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
Ordinance 2012-17Â (Second Reading)
An Ordinance to exceed the Municipal Budget Appropriation Limits and to Establish a Cap Bank in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:4-45.14
Motion to Open Public Comment: Second:
Motion to Close Public Comment: Second
Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
Ordinance 2012-18Â (Second Reading)
An Ordinance amending and supplementing the General Code Book Chapter 1B entitled “Americans with Disabilities Actâ€
Motion to Open Public Comment: Second:
Motion to Close Public Comment: Second
Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
10. Formal Action Agenda
Resolution 2012-252
Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $6,990,588.40
Motion to adopt resolution: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella: Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
Resolution authorizing Emergency Temporary Appropriations for the Current Fund
Motion to adopt resolution: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella: Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
Resolution amending Resolution 2012-226 due to an error on Bill List
Motion to adopt resolution: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella: Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
11. Consent Agenda:
The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, this item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
Approval of a change of date for the use of the Municipal Dock for the Annual Memorial Services by Meridian Hospice South for June 15, 2012
Resolution authorizing a refund of Premium Paid at Tax Sale on Block 249, Lot 4, also known as 51 Birdsall Street
Resolution authorizing a refund of Premium Paid at Tax Sale on Block 114.14, Lot 7, also known as 113 Barnegat Boulevard
Resolution in support of establishing a Regional Police Training Facility in Little Egg Harbor on Route 539
Resolution authorizing Township Clerk to advertise for the receipt of bids for the Hillside Avenue Pump Station and Sewer Main
Resolution authorizing Township Clerk to advertise for the receipt of bids for the resurfacing of Hillside Avenue
Resolution 2012-260Â ***Not Used***
Resolution authorizing the refund of a Cash Bond in the amount of $8,680.00 due to bond being posted twice
Resolution denying the release of a Maintenance Bond for Patriot’s Cove Site Improvements
Resolution accepting a proposal from Remington & Vernick for a Utility Services Feasibility and Pinelands Commission Application Scoping for the Public Works Facility in an amount not to exceed $9,100.00
Resolution awarding the bid for the Construction of Flush Concrete Curbing for the Football Field at Lower Shore Road Park to Advantage Site work, LLC in the amount of $15,555.00
Resolution authorizing final payment to Earle Asphalt Company in the amount of $21,837.61 for improvements to Bowline Street
Resolution awarding the bid for the furnishing and delivery of Precast Concrete Inlets for the Football Field at Lower Shore Road Park to Campbell Foundry Company in the amount of $2,155.00
Resolution 2012-267
Resolution awarding the bid for the furnishing and delivery of HDPE Pie and Fittings for the Football Field at Lower Shore Road Park to Campbell Foundry Company in the amount of $30,333.50
Resolution authorizing application to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for a $10,000. Grant to enhance recreational programs for individuals with special needs
Resolution authorizing the refund of Escrow Deposits to State of NJ Development Authority, Joseph T. Donahue Elementary School
Resolution authorizing the Chief of Police to execute a Maintenance Agreement with Safran MorphoTrak in the amount of $2,349.00 for the year 2012
Resolution authorizing the purchase of protective clothing and equipment under State Contract #A80948 in the amount of $27,715.09 for the Barnegat Township Fire Department
Motion to Adopt Consent Agenda: Second:
Roll Call: Lisella: Morano: Melchiondo:
Bille: Cirulli:
12. Motion to Adjourn: Second: