Ordinance 2015-01          INTRODUCED: 3/2/15    ADOPTED: 5/4/15
An Ordinance establishing certain salaries of certain officers and employees and repealing any and all other ordinances inconsistent herewith

Ordinance 2015-02          INTRODUCED: 5/4/15    ADOPTED: 6/8/15
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 39 Entitled “Construction Codes, Uniform” of the Barnegat Township General Code

Ordinance 2015-03         INTRODUCED: 5/4/15   ADOPTED: 6/8/15
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 55-305 Entitled “Definitions and Word Usage” of the Barnegat Township Land Use Code

Ordinance 2015-04        INTRODUCED: 5/4/15     ADOPTED:
An Ordinance providing for the Vacation of a portion of certain Rights-of-ways and Paper Streets located within Barnegat Township, Lafayette Estates area

Ordinance 2015-05      INTRODUCED: 6/8/15     ADOPTED:7/20/15
An Ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 15 of the Township General Code, entitled “Police Department” in particular Section 15-9.1 to modify Chapter 6 ”Promotional Requirements” of the rules and regulations governing the police department

Ordinance 2015-06        INTRODUCED: 6/8/15     ADOPTED: 7/20/15
An Ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 64B of the Township General Code, entitled “Secondhand Dealers”

Ordinance 2015-07      INTRODUCED: 6/8/15     ADOPTED: 7/20/15
An Ordinance providing for various General Improvements and other related expenses in and for the Township of Barnegat and appropriating $5,550,000 in bonds or notes of the Township to finance the same

Ordinance 2015-08       INTRODUCED: 6/8/15     ADOPTED: 7/20/15
An ordinance of the Township of Barnegat, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey creating new chapter 36A which provides that persons or entities, who have initiated foreclosure actions, shall be responsible for maintaining residential properties that subsequently become vacant and shall designate an in-state representative

ORDINANCE 2015-09      INTRODUCED:6/29/15   ADOPTED: 8/17/15
An Ordinance to exceed the Municipal Budget Appropriation Limits and to establish a CAP Bank in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:4-45.14

Ordinance 2015- 10     INTRODUCED:8/17/15   ADOPTED: 9/21/15
Ordinance to amend and supplement Chapter 43 of the Municipal General Code, entitled “Dock, Municipal”, in order to eliminate fees for non-motorized vessels (i.e. kayak, canoe, paddle board, etc.)

Ordinance 2015-11    INTRODUCED:8/17/15   ADOPTED:9/21/15
Ordinance to authorize execution of the first amendment to the June 5, 2006 Water Facilities Agreement between the Township of Barnegat and Mark Madison, LLC.
Ordinance 2015-12     INTRODUCED:8/17/15   ADOPTED:9/21/15
Ordinance creating an “Off Tract Reimbursement Agreement for Sanitary Sewer Facilities constructed by Mark Madison, LLC.” The proposed agreement provides a mechanism by which Mark Madison, LLC will be reimbursed for the oversizing of sanitary sewer facilities, by other users and not by the Township, which connect to the sanitary sewer system.

Ordinance 2015-14    INTRODUCED: 11/16/15   ADOPTED:
An Ordinance providing for the purchase of a combination Jet-Vac truck for Sanitary and Storm Water Sewer cleaning and maintenance, and other related expenses in and for the Township, and providing for the issuance of $450,000 in Bonds and Notes of the Township to finance the same

Ordinance 2015-15   INTRODUCED: 11/16/15   ADOPTED:
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Article II, Chapter 74 of the Township Code, entitled “Water/Sewer Utility” regulating water rates and charges

Ordinance 2015-16     INTRODUCED: 11/16/15   ADOPTED:
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Article I, Chapter 74, of the Barnegat Township Code entitled “Water/Sewer Utility” to amend the sewer user charges

Ordinance 2015-17  INTRODUCED: 11/16/15   ADOPTED:
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 64B, of the Barnegat Township Code entitled “Secondhand Dealers”