May 20, 2013, 6:30 PM
- Call to Order
- Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law:
Pursuant to the requirements of the OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS LAW, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given:
- By publication in the required newspapers of the date, time and location of this meeting more than 48 hours in advance.
- By posting advance written notice on the official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building.
- By filing advance written notice with the Township Clerk for the purpose of Public inspection.
ANNOUNCEMENT: At this time we ask everyone to please turn all cell phones or pagers to either OFF or VIBRATE.
- Roll Call of Officials Present:
Committeewoman Taylor – Present
Committeeman Bille – Absent
Committeeman Lisella – Present
Deputy Mayor McCabe – Present
Mayor Morano – Present
Invocation by Reverend Erik Hall, Pastor of Barnegat Anew United Methodist Church
- Salute to the flag
Resolution 2013-225Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â **Tabled
Resolution authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel, public safety, contractual and litigation matters.
Motion to table resolution: M. Lisella               Second: E. Taylor
Roll Call:      Taylor: Yes              Bille: Absent           Lisella: Yes                                                McCabe: Yes          Morano: Yes                                 Â
- Mayor’s Report
Read and made a part of these minutes; Oyster Creek siren system test, thanked    the members of the Post Office for the food drive, the dock will be ready for Sunday’s concert, graduations and proms coming up be careful driving, Memorial          Day Parade on Monday.
- Committee Reports
M. Lisella – read and made a part of these minutes; update on the Buy in       Barnegat discount program, proposed noise ordinance, Johnson’s Pit vehicle storage.
E. Taylor – read and made a part of these minutes; Economic Development Committee, Municipal Website, local government access channel.
S. McCabe – read and made a part of these minutes; progress photo board of         the dock re-build, professional planning services bond ordinance.
Mayor; we have an ordinance in regards to noise; they need to contact the Code      Enforcement Officer.
- Administrator’s Report
Update on the progress of the dock re-build, we have come a long way in a short     period of time since it was destroyed. The band platform will be done by this       Sunday for the first concert of the season. This dock is being built to last and will         withstand another storm of Sandy magnitude. Detailed the aspects of items on         this agenda. Discussed the benefits of the Master Plan and its updates required            as needed.
Motion to open Public Comment: M. Lisella              Second: E. Taylor
All are in favor
Susan Stein – 47 Bowline Street: What is happening with the empty lot near  CVS? Mayor explained the developers need for tenants in order to secure          financing.
Phil Checcia – 12 Windward Drive: It is going to be almost impossible to bring a      supermarket here.   The return on investment is so miniscule in supermarkets.
Joe Gherardi – 104 Berry Lane: We took the time today to meet with the        tenant/landlord attorney that would take care of the problems at Pinewood          Estates. They dumped the topsoil and expected me to spread it, there is erosion           and it is worse than it was a year ago. Certified letters were sent to property         owner from residents. I have a list of NJ mobile properties and what the owners       are responsible for. Mayor: leave this information with us and we will set up a      meeting to resolve this issue.
Larry Cataldo – 9 Village Drive: I think you need to get on the Freeholders to make good on a promise they made for parks in this town. With current police   officers retiring, if you need to raise taxes in order to hire police before our        drug/gang problem gets out of hand.  Where is the ordinance I have asked for       for twenty years, if police are called to a residence 4 – 5 times in a month you           lose your C.O.? Bring in the State Police, County Prosecutor and nip this          problem in the bud. Planning & Zoning keep giving approvals to developer and   nothing is built. In Settler’s Landing, my neighborhood, where is Code Enforcement on the people with PODS in the front yard for years?
Ralph Dawes – 108 Vivas Drive: In reference to the bond for $185,000.00 I am        satisfied that this is an appropriate action plan and detail and I solicit your vote   for approval on this.
Ray Leszczak – 116 Redwood Drive: Gives committee a letter, we need to be          careful about “fracking†for natural gas. This may come our way; this process           creates chemicals in the ground water.
Morris Flory – 4 Blue Claw Drive: Thank you for addressing our problem on Blue      Claw Drive. Mayor: my cell phone number will be posted once the new website      is up and running. MF: What type of business do our demographics support?            Let’s target those areas for development. ET: After our next EDC meeting I will   have an update for you on what we are trying to accomplish.
Jake Taylor – 106 Newark Road: Some years ago I served on the Zoning Board, and the Shop-Rite in Waretown was to be built here.  The politicians at the time sabotaged it. The developer pulled out because of a Zoning Board member. I have the documents if you want to see them. I am pleased with the dock re-build.    Any plans to have the dock go out to the point, near the public property right of way like it used to; I would have the engineer look into it. What happened to the videos that used to be on the website? Clerk: I will re-install them on the website. To the attorney; if the 1997 ruling for residential site improvements standards still overrules the local ordinance is still in effect? Turf; the research of the turf it was down for five years of playing, sat here for two years and the lifespan is for eight years, our free turf that will cost us a million to remove, it cost Annapolis nothing to remove. We have spent so far $617,217.98 for this turf football field.  Plenty of public money spent on the memorial at the front of town hall. Engineering fees of field in excess of $70, 000 I object strongly to using the Open Space funds for this.  ML: please get me the letter from Shop Rite developer you are speaking of.
Diane Grockenberg – 108 Redwood Drive: missed an ordinance, questioned Rent  Leveling Board member appointment.
Frank Pecci – 11 Hemlock Drive: wanted clarification of resolution 2013-254.          Turf; is the engineer costs included in the $20,000 to complete? Quality rating    is only an A1? Questioned debt on utility budget from a few years ago. Why are       we bonding for so much? SM: the school board is responsible for their own     budget. FP: we already spent $250,000 on Master Plan; I don’t know why we            need it again.
Karen Kostick – 12 Hannah Lee Road: asked for clarification of 2013-244 and         2013-248. Admin explained the requirement for each. Barricades are down at    Tanner’s pit are workers in there? Trailers and trucks back-hoe equipment on          the corner of Hillside & Memorial Drive, please look into site storage.
Mike Howard – 22 Birdsall Street: what is to be done about the cones on       Lighthouse Drive? Admin: I will inquire with the County. Still waiting for the trees   on E. Bay Avenue. What is the status of hiring police officers, how many? DB:     the committee will determine that. Have the county check the bridge on            Bayshore Drive.
Motion to close Public Comment: S. McCabe           Second: M. Lisella
All are in favor
- New Business:
Ordinance 2013-9 (First Reading)
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 55-35.1A entitled CC-CPHD “Commercial Core Planned Highway Development Overlay Zone†of the Barnegat Township Land Use Code in order to be consistent with the Zoning Map
Motion to introduce ordinance: M. Lisella                 Second: E. Taylor
Roll Call:      Taylor: Yes              Bille: Absent           Lisella: Yes
                       McCabe: Yes          Morano: Yes
Ordinance 2013-10 (First Reading)
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 66 entitled “Streets and Sidewalks†to clarify the road opening ordinance for inspection fees
Motion to introduce ordinance: M. Lisella                 Second: E. Taylor
Roll Call:      Taylor: Yes              Bille: Absent           Lisella: Yes
                       McCabe: Yes          Morano: Yes
Ordinance 2013-11 (First Reading)
An Ordinance amending and Supplementing “Recreation Program Fees†and to include two (2) new fees to supplement Chapter 44A of the General Code
Motion to introduce ordinance: E. Taylor                  Second: M. Lisella
Roll Call:      Taylor: Yes              Bille: Absent           Lisella: Yes
                       McCabe: Yes          Morano: Yes
Ordinance 2013-12 (First Reading)
An Ordinance providing for a special Emergency Appropriation of $185,000 for the engagement of Special Consultants for the preparation of a Master Plan
Motion to introduce ordinance: M. Lisella                 Second: E. Taylor
Roll Call:      Taylor: Yes              Bille: Absent           Lisella: Yes
                       McCabe: Yes          Morano: Yes
Approval of minutes for May 6, 2013 Regular Township Committee Meeting,
Motion to approve minutes: E. Taylor                          Second: M. Lisella
Roll Call:      Taylor: Yes              Bille: Absent           Lisella: Yes
                       McCabe: Yes          Morano: Yes
- Formal Action Agenda
Resolution 2013-226
Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $9,594,069.27
Motion to adopt resolution: M. Lisella            Second: E. Taylor
Roll Call:      Taylor: Yes              Bille: Absent           Lisella: Yes
                       McCabe: Yes          Morano: Yes
Resolution 2013-227
Resolution authorizing an Emergency Appropriation for the Current Fund
Motion to adopt resolution: E. Taylor             Second: M. Lisella
Roll Call:      Taylor: Yes              Bille: Absent           Lisella: Yes
                       McCabe: Yes          Morano: Yes
Resolution 2013-228
Resolution authorizing an Emergency Appropriation for the Water/Sewer Fund
Motion to adopt resolution: E. Taylor             Second: M. Lisella
Roll Call:      Taylor: Yes              Bille: Absent           Lisella: Yes
                       McCabe: Yes          Morano: Yes
- Consent Agenda:
The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, this item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
Approval of 2013 Boot Drop for the Pinewood Estates Volunteer Fire Department on May 24, 25, 27, 31, June 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28 29, July 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27, August 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24, 30, 31 and October 6, 19, and 20, 2013
Resolution 2013-229
Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 116.08, Lot 26, also known as 5 Bayberry Court
Resolution 2013-230
Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 114.26, Lot 89, also known as 69 Lexington Boulevard
Resolution 2013-231
Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 262, Lot 23.02, also known as 120 Lower Shore Road
Resolution 2013-232
Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 255, Lot 19, also known as 11 Maple Avenue
Resolution 2013-233
Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 114.52, Lot 14, also known as 12 Potomac Avenue
Resolution 2013-234
Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 253, Lot 37, also known as 26 Ridgeway Street
Resolution 2013-235
Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to transfer fund from the Water/Sewer Account to the Tax Account on Block 115.05, Lot 13, also known as 58 Robin Lane
Resolution 2013-236
Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 114.28, Lot 16, also known as 18 Starboard Avenue
Resolution 2013-237
Resolution authorizing a separation agreement with Patrolman Mark Bernstein
Resolution 2013-238
Resolution authorizing the refund of escrow deposits to Doyle’s Pour House for Planning Board Review Escrow and Site Inspection Escrow
Resolution 2013-239
Resolution authorizing the refund of escrow deposits to Greco Jewelers & Clock Shop for Planning Board Review Escrow
Resolution 2013-240
Resolution authorizing the refund of escrow deposits to Pheasant Run at Barnegat HOA for Planning Board Review Escrow
Resolution 2013-241
Resolution authorizing approval of Engineering Certificate No. 1 to Highway Safety Systems, Inc. for work completed on Municipal Dock, Contract #1 in the amount of $144,428.09
Resolution 2013-242
Resolution authorizing approval of Engineering Certificate No. 1 to Master Wire Mfg, Inc. for work completed on Municipal Dock, Contract #2 in the amount of $248,876.40
Resolution 2013-243
Resolution authorizing approval of Engineering Certificate No. 1 to Command Co., Inc. for work completed on the Municipal Dock, Contract #3 in the amount of $34,300.00
Resolution 2013-244
Resolution approving waiver request for a road opening permit submitted by Richard G. Holst, 33 Memorial Drive
Resolution 2013-245
Resolution authorizing application to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for the ROIDS Grant for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 in the amount of $25,000.00 with a $5,000.00 cash match
Resolution 2013-246
Resolution authorizing reimbursement of various classes due to family relocating out of state for the Recreation Department
Resolution 2013-247
Resolution authorizing an unpaid medical leave to Communications Caitlin Olson from May 9, 2013 through August 9, 2013
Resolution 2013-248
Resolution authorizing retaining the existing Performance Guarantees for Holly Oaks Development in place of obtaining Maintenance Bonds for the Sanitary Sewer System, Site Improvements and Water Supply System
Resolution 2013-249
Resolution authorizing the reduction of Performance Guarantees for Whispering Hills, Phase 2 Sewer System Facilities
Resolution 2013-250
Resolution authorizing the reduction of Performance Guarantees for Whispering Hills, Phase 2 Water System Improvements
Resolution 2013-251
Resolution appointing members for the Rent Leveling Board for the year 2013
Resolution 2013-252
Resolution increasing fees for Chapter 44A entitled “Miscellaneous Fees†for the Barnegat Township Recreation Program Fees
Resolution 2013-253
Resolution supporting the Click It or Ticket Mobilization of May 20 through June 2, 2013
Resolution 2013-254
Resolution authorizing the renewal of the Quarterly Compliance Inspection for the New Public Works Complex with Independence Constructors in the amount of $1,688.00 for the period June 1, 2013 through May 31, 2104
Motion to Adopt Consent Agenda: E. Taylor            Second: M. Lisella
Roll Call:      Taylor: Yes              Bille: Absent                                               Lisella: Yes, abstain 2013-249 & 2013-250
                       McCabe: Yes          Morano: Yes
-  Motion to Adjourn: S. McCabe                        Second: E. Taylor
All are in favor
I hereby certify that the foregoing
minutes were formally approved by
the Barnegat Township Committee:
Municipal Clerk