March 4, 2013, 6:30 PM


1. Call to Order


2. Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law:

Pursuant to the requirements of the OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS LAW, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given:

a. By publication in the required newspapers of the date, time and location of this meeting more than 48 hours in advance.

b. By posting advance written notice on the official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building.

c. By filing advance written notice with the Township Clerk for the purpose of Public inspection.


ANNOUNCEMENT: At this time we ask everyone to please turn all cell phones or pagers to either OFF or VIBRATE.


3. Roll Call of Officials Present:

Committeewoman Taylor – Present

Committeeman Bille – Present

Committeeman Lisella – Present

Deputy Mayor Conway – Present

Mayor Morano – Present


4. Salute to the flag


Resolution 2013-108 **Tabled

Resolution authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel, public safety, contractual and litigation matters.


Motion to table resolution: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Conway: Yes Morano: Yes



5. Mayor’s Report

Read and made a part of these minutes


6. Committee Reports

M. Lisella – For the fifth year in a row I had the pleasure of attending a celebration of Black History Month at the Mirage with Len and Al. on tonight’s agenda we are to adopt the FEMA advisory base flood elevation maps, we believe these maps are flawed, but we need to adopt this in order for residents to be eligible for funding programs of financial assistance. I advise that anyone consult with a flood insurance specialist before making any decisions on elevating properties.


E. Taylor – We have met with Comcast to discuss the township’s community channel, we will need to set up procedures for this, it should be up and running in about ninety days. Our senior health fair will be held on May 2nd from 10am-2pm at the recreation center.


S. Conway – In reference to the concerns over the R. Stone development proposed for Aphrodite Drive, I will be recommending to the committee tonight that we perform limited environmental testing on Cherry Street. I also will be recommending an ordinance to be considered that will require any major subdivision applicant conduct a “phase 1 preliminary environmental assessment” as part of the Planning Board approval process.


A. Bille – I am also on board with Deputy Conway with conducting environmental testing. I also attended the FEMA Public Information Meeting held by the Township about 500 residents attended with concerns about recovery efforts. Thank you to the Board of Education for hosting this at the High School. We are indeed fortunate to have our Administrator working at our Township with his knowledge of recovery efforts and assistance.


7. Administrator’s Report

The Township Committee has authorized us to take any measure to reconstruct the municipal dock; we have gone out to bid for this work and materials. Explained ordinance 2013-01 on this agenda, adoption of the FEMA flood maps.


Motion to open Public Comment: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella

All are in favor


Jake Taylor – 106 Newark Road: Asked for explanation of resolution 124 on this agenda. Asked for further explanation on adopting the FEMA flood maps, which he does not agree with. Admin: It is on record that we do not agree with the maps, but we must adopt them as per the Governor’s executive order. JT: And what is the status of the recycling negotiations? The Meadowedge property was proposed to be an education center, but it is not used for that. I would like the committee to re-consider the use of this property as a Meadowedge education center. Mayor: I have been in contact with the OCVTS MATES program director and they expressed interest.


Phil Checcia – 12 Windward Drive: How are we making out with the television program? (Elaine Taylor previously gave update) I ask that you reconsider the decision of the R. Stone development right of way property. Look into the swapping of the property with the landscaping company. Put the road out on Gunning River Road he is going to develop the pit property that is his intent. On Route 9, the COAH property, the trash area is right at the front. Why did we give him (Walters) more than he was supposed to get, the million dollar property?


Larry Cataldo – 9 Village Drive: No reason to change the 4th of July, it has always been held on the given day (fireworks).


Frank Pecci – 11 Hemlock Drive: Resolution 118, what was amended in this agreement? Admin explained. Fines issued by DEP can not be waived by the Township.


Morris Flory – 4 Blue Claw Drive: Addressed to Elaine Taylor, I am offering my services with anything you need regarding the Comcast video issue. I hope to see something useful, educational, implemented at the Meadowedge building. Openness and communication should prevail for the committee, mayor, please post your cell number if you are not going to email.


Rafael Adorno – 441 E. Bay Avenue: In regards to the field turf at the Lower Shore Road, how much has been spent to date? I have roughly $700,000, please provide this. Has the engineer looked into the warranty for this product? The Navy removed it because it had to due with a defective material lawsuit, please look into it. I am not an expert, but I am very knowledgeable, I am surprised that your engineer didn’t mention there were no flaps to sew the product together. This is going to cost more and more money to finish installation. I am not against this field, but I saw from the beginning the problems to come. Have the Water Dept. install water lines and replace with sod at a fraction of the cost. S. Conway: I am looking deeply into this, and we need to go about this the best way possible, I promise this will be addressed.


Ed Brennan – 10 Windy Reef Court: Among the senior community a very, very important fact; I would like to know who is trying to get a supermarket back in this town. I suggest you put together a group that will push the enthusiasm needed for a store. A. Bille: explained the progress we have been experiencing in trying to rent the space due to the demographics of the town and size of the facility. Mayor: If you have any contacts we can use please give them to us.


Mike Howard – 22 Birdsall Street: what about a report on the beach area? Admin: the work at the beach will be a less considerable effort; the sand we placed there seems to be holding and the fence and gazebo will be replaced for the season. Expressed concern over the cost of the Cox House, can we sell it? E. Taylor: I just appointed two members to the Cox Committee who are excited about fundraising for the facility.


Phil Checcia -12 Windward Drive: No supermarket is going to come here with no return on their investment.



Motion to close Public Comment: A. Bille Second: E. Taylor

All are in favor


8. New Business:


Ordinance 2013-1

An Ordinance adopting regulations for the purpose of adopting the FEMA Flood Maps dated December, 2012


Motion to introduce ordinance: E. Taylor Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes

Conway: Yes Morano: Yes


Approval of minutes for February 19, 2013 Regular Township Committee Meeting,


Motion to approve minutes: A. Bille Second: E. Taylor

Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Conway: Yes Morano: Yes


9. Formal Action Agenda


Resolution 2013-109

Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $1,110,767.48


Motion to adopt resolution: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call: Taylor: Abstain Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes

Conway: Yes Morano: Yes


Resolution 2013-110

Resolution authorizing Emergency Temporary Appropriations for the Current Fund


Motion to adopt resolution: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes

Conway: Yes Morano: Yes


Resolution 2013-111

Resolution amending Resolution Bill List from February 19, 2013 Committee Meeting


Motion to adopt resolution: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call: Taylor: Abstain Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes

Conway: Yes Morano: Yes


10. Consent Agenda:


The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, this item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.


Approval of an Off-Premise 50/50 for Horizon at Barnegat Women’s Club on May 26, 2013


Approval of a Social Affairs Permit for the American Legion, 499 North Main Street on May 27, 2013


Approval of a Memorial Day Parade sponsored by the American Legion on May 27, 2013


Resolution 2013-112

Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 116.13, Lot 1, also known as 50 Hickory Circle


Resolution 2013-113

Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 95.06, Lot 5, also known as 9 Morgan Drive


Resolution 2013-114

Resolution authorizing a refund based on a Successful County Board Judgment Tax Appeal on Block 168, Lot 6.01, also known as 361 North Main Street


Resolution 2013-115

Resolution authorizing the establishment of a Pay Pal Account for the acceptance of donations for the “Dock masters Donation Program” only


Resolution 2013-116

Resolution authorizing reimbursement of cancellation of winter classes for the Recreation Department


Resolution 2013-117

Resolution authorizing an unpaid medical leave to Donna Delillio until March 18, 2013


Resolution 2013-118

Resolution authorizing the execution of an Amended Shared Services Agreement with the County of Ocean, State of New Jersey for removal of debris from Hurricane Sandy


Resolution 2013-119

Resolution authorizing the reduction of a Performance Guarantee for Paramount Escapes, Ocean Breeze, Section 2, Site Improvements


Resolution 2013-120

Resolution appointing members to the Cable TV Committee for the year 2013


Resolution 2013-121

Resolution appointing members to the Recreation Disabilities Advisory Board



Resolution 2013-122

Resolution appoint members to the Shade Tree Commission


Resolution 2013-123

Resolution authorizing the replacement of a Certified PE Teacher for the Recreation Department at the rate of $11.00 per hour


Resolution 2013-124

Resolution supporting sustainable funding for Preservation and Stewardship of Open Space, Parks, Farmland and Historic Sites in New Jersey


Motion to Adopt Consent Agenda: A. Bille Second: E. Taylor

Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes

Conway: Yes Morano: Yes




10. Motion to Adjourn: A. Bille Second: S. Conway




I hereby certify that the foregoing

minutes were formally approved by the

Barnegat Township Committee:



Municipal Clerk