March 18, 2013, 6:30 PM
1. Call to Order
2. Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law:
Pursuant to the requirements of the OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS LAW, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given:
a. By publication in the required newspapers of the date, time and location of this meeting more than 48 hours in advance.
b. By posting advance written notice on the official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building.
c. By filing advance written notice with the Township Clerk for the purpose of Public inspection.
ANNOUNCEMENT: At this time we ask everyone to please turn all cell phones or pagers to either OFF or VIBRATE.
3. Roll Call of Officials Present:
Committeewoman Taylor – Present
Committeeman Bille – Present
Committeeman Lisella – Present
Deputy Mayor Conway – Present
Mayor Morano – Present
Invocation by Pastor Joe Firaldi, Reverend of Bayside Chapel
4. Salute to the flag
Swearing in of Barnegat Township Volunteer Fire Department Members
Presentation by Dorothy Ryan and Frank Pecci on the Planning Board Master Plan
Resolution 2013-125 **Tabled
Resolution authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel, public safety, contractual and litigation matters.
Motion to table resolution: A. Bille Second: E. Taylor
Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Conway: Yes Morano: Yes
5. Mayor’s Report –
The work on the Municipal Dock has begun, if the weather will hold out, we want to make sure that we have it done by Memorial Day. Thank you to Sharon for having this Dock Master’s Donation Program, she was instrumental insetting up and organizing the collection of donations. Thank you to Susan and Elaine for helping out with this program.
Starting this Wednesday and every 3rd Wednesday I will be at the Library for “Meet the Mayor†night, from 6pm-9pm.
6. Committee Reports
M. Lisella – The FEMA flood maps are up for adoption this agenda, not that we agree with them, we must adopt them in order for our residents to secure essential funding. We would put in serious jeopardy their ability to secure financial help. I witness the difficulty that victims of the storm are still experiencing; I am pleased to see items on this agenda giving fair and equitable treatment for residents along the New Jersey coast. The Federal Government needs to award the same level of assistance to our residents as other victims of states experiencing storm devastation. I am happy to support these items on this agenda.
E. Taylor – The road to recovery after Hurricane Sandy will be long, painful and expensive one for residents of the bay front area. I am pleased to have on this agenda a resolution to apply for financial assistance to the Robin Hood Foundation. They have taken an active role in supporting victims of Hurricane Sandy, and are allowing local governments to directly participate in the process to secure financial assistance for residents. Our donations for the rebuilding of the Municipal Dock have reached $2,700.00, and work has begun with demolition, and we feel confident that it will be ready for the Memorial Day weekend.
A. Bille – Marty and I attended the monthly Chamber Of Commerce meeting, and the main topic was the Genuardi’s property. It was discussed that it is important to support local establishments to keep them from departing. I would like to propose a campaign “Buy in Barnegat†in order to keep Barnegat dollars in Barnegat. We will develop an effective program to help us patronize businesses in town. We must focus on promoting local businesses so that others will want to come to town. I will work with Chamber officials and local business owners to develop ways to expand our commercial footprint.
S. Conway – I would like to address the Master Plan presentation; Committeewoman Taylor and I are dedicated to bringing the benefits of State approval of the Master Plan to The Economic Development Committee in order to make them aware of the commercial incentive that we can possess. We are bridging a gap from the Planning Board to the EDC to try to effectuate some change. An ordinance is on this agenda regarding requiring Environmental Preliminary Assessment as part of Major Development Applications. By having this information the planning board will be in a much stronger position to assess the environmental conditions and related impact of a proposed major subdivision for informed decisions. As to recycling issues, the Administrator has met with ACUA for services, while this proposal was attractive and favorable to the Township, I feel compelled at this time to recommend that the Township proceed with public bidding in order to receive the most competitive price. In connection to the Robin Hood Foundation, I encourage the Administrator to seek out any assistance for residents or the Township.
7. Administrator’s Report
A brief report on the Dock: we have proceeded with cleaning up the site, and should be completed this week. We are using a combination of in-house workers and contract bids for work, supplies and materials. Our goal is to have the band platform and immediate areas completed for Memorial Day, with future work to be completed. Explained items on agenda in coordination with the Township Attorney.
Motion to open Public Comment: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella
All are in favor
Phil Checcia – 12 Windward Drive: How will these flood maps affect the flood insurance rates? I got a quote of $400+ for my house and I am not in a flood area. Flood prone areas will be priced sky-high. We are not responsible for the decision of the homeowner to purchase on water and tax-payer money should not go to pay for these repairs. When are we getting the cable channels for the schools, we should have it by now. How is Obama Care going to affect the tax rate of the town?
Jake Taylor – 106 Newark Road: Ocean Acres sidewalks are not continuous, and kids have to walk in the street. I hope the Master Plan overrides these issues. I ask that the committee looks into the re-wording of the Open Space Ordinance. An interpretative statement is needed. Attorney: I will look into it and have report next meeting. JT: I want confirmation letter that we do not agree with these FEMA flood maps. I asked of the Tax Assessor’s office a question of the difference of how we rate for taxes for affordable housing. DB: affordable housing projects do not pay property taxes as normally assessed; they pay PILOT, Payment In Lieu Of Taxes, which is mandated by the State of New Jersey based on revenue generated by the occupation of the complex. JT: How does that balance out for the schools and students who will attend?
Frank Pecci – 11 Hemlock Drive: In reference to wording in Ordinance 2013-02, minor or major subdivision environmental issues should be treated the same east or west of the parkway, we need to protect the people. Asked for clarification on resolution 2013-131 on agenda. Interpretation of the Open Space Ordinance should be clear.
Mike Howard – 22 Birdsall Street: Glad that flags are back up. Bus Stop at Georgetown repairs? Admin: Is scheduled for April. Cox House; what repairs are to be done and who will pay? Admin: roof to be repaired with portion of insurance money, and donation made by developer. Are we still paying the rent on the Barnegat D.O.V.E. unit? Admin: the landlord is not charging the Township rent.
Ray Leszczak – 116 Redwood Drive: Does the Township make profit on recycling? Admin: the Township receives revenue from Ocean County from sales of materials (recyclables). On the big plan, does that interfere with land preserved by Ocean County taxpayers? Admin: No, governmental land is recognized on the zoning map, a lot of land is preserved by Fish & Wildlife Mgmt. RL: The new intersection at Route 72 & Route 554 is a hazard with the concrete island. Admin: DOT understands more work needs to be done in that area.
Motion to close Public Comment: A. Bille Second: E. Taylor
All are in favor
8. New Business:
Ordinance 2013-2 (First Reading)
An Ordinance amending and supplementing Section 55-117 of the Township Code to require submission of an Environmental Preliminary Assessment as part of Major Development Applications
Motion to introduce ordinance: A. Bille Second: E. Taylor
Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes
Conway: Yes Morano: Yes
Ordinance 2013-3 (First Reading)
An Ordinance voiding and rescinding Ordinance 1996-15 which erroneously vacated all right, title and interest of the Township in an unimproved Right-of-Way, Blocks 92.41, 92.46, 92.70, 92.67, 92.68,92.69, 92.70, 92.75, 92.78 92.87and 92.111
Motion to introduce ordinance: E. Taylor Second: A. Bille
Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes
Conway: Yes Morano: Yes
Approval of minutes for March 4, 2013 Regular Township Committee Meeting,
Motion to approve minutes: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella
Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Conway: Yes Morano: Yes
9. Old Business
Ordinance 2013-1 (Second Reading)
An Ordinance adopting regulations for the purpose of adopting the FEMA Flood Maps dated December, 2012
Motion to Open Public Hearing: A. Bille Second: E. Taylor
All are in favor
Jake Taylor – 106 Newark Road: I object to these flood maps, I live on the water, and I understand they need to be adopted. I would like a copy of letter stating that we do not agree with them.
Motion to Close Public Hearing: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella
All are in favor
Motion to adopt ordinance: E. Taylor Second: A. Bille
Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes
Conway: Yes Morano: Yes
10. Formal Action Agenda
Resolution 2013-126
Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $3,088,652.72
Motion to adopt resolution: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella
Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes
Conway: Yes Morano: Yes
Resolution 2013-127
Resolution authorizing Emergency Temporary Appropriations for the Current Fund
Motion to adopt resolution: E. Taylor Second: M. Lisella
Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes
Conway: Yes Morano: Yes
Resolution 2013-128
Resolution cancelling 2012 Municipal Alliance Grant in the amount of $229.22
Motion to adopt resolution: E. Taylor Second: M. Lisella
Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes
Conway: Yes Morano: Yes
11. Consent Agenda:
The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, this item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
Approval of an Off-Premise Raffle for the Barnegat/Waretown Little League on June 22, 2013
Approval of Justin D. Banks and Joseph Kupecz as Volunteer Fire Fighters for the Barnegat Township Volunteer Fire Department
Resolution 2013-129
Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 114.14, Lot 10, also known as 107 Barnegat Boulevard
Resolution 2013-130
Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 114.14, Lot 6, also known as 115 Barnegat Boulevard
Resolution 2013-131
Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to transfer funds from the Water/Sewer Account to the Tax Account
Resolution 2013-132
Resolution authorizing the Administrator to renew a contract with Stewart Business Systems for the year 2013 in the amount of $556.00 per month for the supply of toner for all laser printers and maintenance of existing laser printers
Resolution 2013-133
Resolution authorizing the Administrator to sign a Lease Agreement with Duplitron Technology Center for a Kyocera Task Alfa 6525 copier for the Municipal Court in the amount of $99.95 per month
Resolution 2013-134
Resolution authorizing the Administrator to sign a Maintenance Agreement with Liberty Technology Solutions for the maintenance on the telephone system
Resolution 2013-135
Resolution authorizing the Building Department to refund payments erroneously paid for repairs to Hurricane Sandy damaged homes
Resolution 2013-136
Resolution authorizing the reduction of a Performance Guarantee for Paramount Escapes, Section 2, Water System Improvements
Resolution 2013-137
Resolution opposing S2364/A3553 Early Voting System in New Jersey, these bills would require for each primary and general election a public facility located in each municipality open 15 days before an election for early polling
Resolution 2013-138
Resolution requesting that the Federal Government reimburse residents of Barnegat Township for the entire cost of raising homes to comply with the Advisory Base Flood Elevations
Resolution 2013-139
Resolution supporting the 9th Legislative Delegation as it seeks to identify greater means of providing assistance to those harshly impacted by the new FEMA Regulations
Resolution 2013-140
Resolution recognizing the month of April as “Alcohol Awareness Monthâ€
Resolution 2013-141
Resolution proclaiming National Volunteer Week during the week of April 21 through April 27, 2013
Resolution 2013-142
Resolution proclaiming the month of May as “Older American’s Monthâ€
Resolution 2013-143
Resolution appointing John Ewart and Robert Bittle as Permanent Part Time Inspectors for the Barnegat Township Building Department at the rate of $25.50 per hour
Resolution 2013-144
Resolution appointing members to the Open Space Committee
Resolution 2013-145
Resolution accepting the resignation of Effie E. Pressley as Tax Collector and Tax Search Officer
Resolution 2013-146
Resolution waiving various Municipal Fees to repair damage from Hurricane Sandy
Resolution 2013-147
Resolution authorizing the Township to submit a letter of interest to the Robin Hood Foundation for financial assistance for Hurricane Sandy Victims
Resolution 2013-148
Resolution authorizing the Municipal Clerk to advertise for public bid for Township Recycling services
Motion to Adopt Consent Agenda: A. Bille Second: E. Taylor
Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes
Conway: Yes Morano: Yes
10. Motion to Adjourn: A. Bille Second: E. Taylor
I hereby certify that the foregoing
minutes were formally approved
by the Township Committee:
Municipal Clerk