JANUARY 1, 2012, 1:00 PM


1. Call to Order by Municipal Clerk, Sharon Auer


2. Invocation by Monsignor Ken Tuzeneu, Pastor St. Mary’s R.C. Church


3. Salute to the Flag


4. Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law:

Pursuant to the requirements of the OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS LAW, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given:

a. By publication in the required newspapers of the date, time and location of this meeting more than 48 hours in advance.

b. By posting advance written notice on the official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building.

c. By filing advance written notice with the Township Clerk for the purpose of Public inspection.


5. Oath of Office administered to Len Morano by Senator Christopher Connors


Oath of Office administered to Martin Lisella by Tino Lisella


6. Roll Call of Officials Present:

Committeeman Bille – Present

Committeeman Cirulli – Present

Committeeman Lisella – Present

Committeeman Melchiondo – Present

Committeeman Morano – Present


7. Formal Action:


Resolution 2012-1

Nominating Mayor of Barnegat Township for the year 2012


Motion for nomination of Al Cirulli: J. Melchiondo Second: A. Bille


Motion to Adopt Resolution: M. Lisella Second: A. Bille

Roll Call: Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Morano: Yes

Cirulli: Yes Melchiondo: Yes


Oath of Office administered to Mayor Cirulli by Senator Christopher Connors


Resolution 2012-2

Nominating Deputy Mayor of Barnegat Township for the year 2012


Motion for nomination of Al Bille: A. Cirulli Second: J. Melchiondo


Motion to Adopt Resolution: M. Lisella Second: J. Melchiondo

Roll Call: Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Morano: Yes

Cirulli: Yes Melchiondo: Yes


Oath of Office administered to Deputy Mayor by Senator Christopher Connors


Mayor’s report read into and made a part of these minutes


Motion to open Public Comment: L. Morano Second: A. Bille

All are in favor


Motion to close Public Comment: A. Bille Second: L. Morano

All are in favor


Deputy Mayor Al Bille: Thank you to Jeff Melchiondo, past mayor for all his hard work and assistance the past four years. Thank you to Monsignor Ken, and Senator Connors for coming today. Thank you to committee members for nominating him for Deputy Mayor and having faith and trust in him to help make Barnegat a better place to live. My goal is to do the best I possibly can for all of Barnegat.


Len Morano: Thanking the voters for electing him to committee making this his sixteenth year serving.


Marty Lisella: Thanking his family and friends for coming today and supporting him.


8. New Business:


Ordinance 2012-1 (First Reading)

Ordinance establishing certain salaries of certain officers and employees and repealing any and all other Ordinances inconsistent herewith


Motion to introduce ordinance: L. Morano Second: A. Bille

Roll Call: Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Morano: Yes

Cirulli: Yes Melchiondo: Yes


Ordinance 2012-2

Ordinance for a special emergency appropriation of $190,000 for the engagement of Special Consultants for the preparation of a Master Plan


Motion to introduce ordinance: J. Melchiondo Second: A. Bille

Roll Call: Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Morano: Yes

Cirulli: Yes Melchiondo: Yes


EXPLANATION: This Funding Ordinance was originally adopted in 2011, and as a result of a publication oversight, this ordinance must be adopted for the record again in 2012.


Ordinance 2012-3

Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 1B entitled “Americans with Disabilities Act” in the Barnegat Township General Code Book


Motion to introduce ordinance: L. Morano Second: J. Melchiondo

Roll Call: Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Morano: Yes Cirulli: Yes Melchiondo: Yes


Ordinance 2012-4

Ordinance providing for acquisition of a street sweeper and other related expenses and appropriating $350,000. Therefore, and providing for the issuance of $350,000. in General Improvement Bonds or Notes


Motion to introduce ordinance: M. Lisella Second: J. Melchiondo

Roll Call: Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Morano: Abstain

Cirulli: Yes Melchiondo: Yes


Resolution 2012-3

Resolution adopting the 2012 Temporary Municipal Budget


Motion to adopt Resolution: J. Melchiondo Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call: Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Morano: Yes: Cirulli: Yes Melchiondo: Yes


Resolution 2012-4

Resolution adopting the 2012 Temporary Budget for Barnegat Township Water and Sewer Utility


Motion to adopt Resolution: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call: Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Morano: Yes

Cirulli: Melchiondo: Yes


9. Consent Agenda:

The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, this item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.


Resolution 2012-5

Appointing Sharon L. Auer to issue Assessment Searches for the Township of Barnegat


Resolution 2012-6

Appointing Effie Pressley to issue Tax Searches for the Township of Barnegat


Resolution 2012-7

Appointing Fund Commissioner and Alternate Commissioner for the Township of Barnegat


Resolution 2012-8

Appointing Grantsman and Alternate Grantsman for the submission of Community Development Block Grants


Resolution 2012-9

Appointing Public Information Officer


Resolution 2012-10

Designating three (3) Official Newspapers for the Township of Barnegat


Resolution 2012-11

Authorizing Officials to execute Corporate Resolution Forms and Signature Cards required by depositories


Resolution 2012-12

Resolution awarding a contract for the delivery of Potassium Permanganate to Univar USA


Resolution 2012-13

Fixing interest rates for delinquent Tax and Assessment Payments


Resolution 2012-14

Fixing interest rates for delinquent Water and Sewer Utility payments


Resolution 2012-15

Establishing meeting dates for all Boards and Commissions for the year 2012


Resolution 2012-16

Listing depositories and accounts for the Township of Barnegat


Resolution 2012-17

Resolution authorizing Barnegat Township Tax Assessor to act as agent for the Township in Ocean County Tax Board issues


Resolution 2012-18

Resolution authorizing appropriations for Debt Service


Resolution 2012-19

Resolution authorizing Birdsall Engineering, Inc., to file Annual Report with Council on Affordable Housing


Resolution 2012-20

Resolution designating Township Officials to sign endorsements for various NJDEP Water and Sewer Permits


Resolution 2012-21

Resolution of the Township of Barnegat adopting a Cash Management Plan


Resolution 2012-22

Resolution appointing non-union employees for the year 2012


Resolution 2012-23

Resolution appointing various Coordinator positions


Resolution 2012-24

Resolution appointing Kathleen Janeski as the Township Chief Financial Officer to a second four-year term


Resolution 2012-25

Resolution awarding contract for Computer Network Support and Maintenance Support Services to Hal Systems


Resolution 2012-26

Resolution awarding a contract to Hal Systems for Network Support with the Barnegat Township Police Department


Resolution 2012-27

Resolution awarding contract for annual Power DMS License and Maintenance Fees for the Barnegat Township Police Department


Resolution 2012-28

Resolution awarding a contract to Edmunds & Associates for Computer software maintenance for the Tax Office and Finance Office


Resolution 2012-29

Resolution awarding a contract to Kroff Chemical for Odor Neutralizer for the Barnegat Township Water & Sewer Department for the year 2012


Resolution 2012-30

Resolution authorizing the execution of a Schedule “C” Agreement with the County of Ocean for the year 2012


Resolution 2012-31

Resolution Establishing Meeting Dates for the Barnegat Township Committee


Resolution 2012-32

Designating Committee Assignments


Resolution 2012-33

Resolution appointing Township Attorney


Resolution 2012-34

Resolution appointing Attorney for Water and Sewer Utility


Resolution 2012-35

Resolution appointing Conflict Township Attorney


Resolution 2012-36

Resolution appointing Township Auditor


Resolution 2012-37

Resolution appointing Township Auditor for Water and Sewer Utility


Resolution 2012-38

Resolution appointing Township Engineer


Resolution 2012-39

Resolution appointing Conflict Township Engineer


Resolution 2012-40

Resolution appointing Engineer for Barnegat Water and Sewer Utility


Resolution 2012-41

Resolution appointing Conflict Engineer for Barnegat Water and Sewer Utility


Resolution 2012-42

Resolution appointing Township Prosecutor


Resolution 2012-43

Resolution appointing Public Defender


Resolution 2012-44

Resolution appointing Conflict Pubic Defender


Resolution 2012-45

Resolution appointing Township Bond Counsel


Resolution 2012-46

Resolution appointing Consultant Attorney for the Rent Leveling Board


Resolution 2012-47

Resolution appointing Consultant Accountant for the Rent Leveling Board


Resolution 2012-48

Resolution appointing Labor Attorney


Resolution 2012-49

Resolution appointing Affordable Housing Attorney


Resolution 2012-50

Resolution appointing Township Appraiser


Resolution 2012-51

Appointing members to the ADA Advisory Committee


Resolution 2012-52

Appointing members to the Cable TV Committee


Resolution 2012-53

Appointing members to the Cox Museum and Library Management Committee


Resolution 2012-54

Resolution appointing members to the Economic Development Committee


Resolution 2012-55

Resolution appointing members to the Environmental Commission


Resolution 2012-56

Resolution appointing members to the Flood Mitigation Committee


Resolution 2012-57

Resolution appointing members to the Historic Preservation Committee


Resolution 2012-58

Resolution appointing members to the Meadowedge Park Commission


Resolution 2012-59

Resolution appointing members to Municipal Alliance


Resolution 2012-60

Resolution appointing members to the Open Space Committee


Resolution 2012-61

Resolution appointing members to the Planning Board


Resolution 2012-62

Resolution appointing members to the Recreation Disability Board


Resolution 2012-63

Resolution appointing members to the Recreation Commission


Resolution 2012-64

Resolution appointing members to the Rent Leveling Board


Resolution 2012-65

Resolution appointing members to the Senior Advisory Council



Resolution 2012-66

Resolution appointing members to the Zoning Board


Resolution 2012-67

Resolution appointing Occupational Medicine South as agent for Random

Drug and Alcohol Testing


Resolution 2012-68

Resolution appointing John Kulin and Occupational Medicine South as

Township physician


Resolution 2012-69

Resolution authorizing Township Administrator to sign a contract with J.R. Henderson Labs for water testing for the Water/Sewer Department


Motion to Adopt Consent Agenda: M. Lisella Second: A. Bille

Roll Call: Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Morano: Yes

Cirulli: Yes Melchiondo: Yes/Abstain 2012-54


10. Committee Comments-None



Closing Prayer: Pastor Swank, Barnegat Bay Assembly of God


11. Motion to Adjourn: L. Morano Second: M. Lisella

All are in favor





Respectfully submitted 1/23/12:_______________________________