February 4, 2013, 6:30 PM


1. Call to Order


2. Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law:

Pursuant to the requirements of the OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS LAW, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given:

a. By publication in the required newspapers of the date, time and location of this meeting more than 48 hours in advance.

b. By posting advance written notice on the official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building.

c. By filing advance written notice with the Township Clerk for the purpose of Public inspection.


ANNOUNCEMENT: At this time we ask everyone to please turn all cell phones or pagers to either OFF or VIBRATE.


3. Roll Call of Officials Present:

Committeewoman Taylor – Present

Committeeman Bille – Present

Committeeman Lisella – Present

Deputy Mayor Conway – Present

Mayor Morano – Present


Invocation by Reverend Glenn Swank, Pastor of the Barnegat Bay Assembly of God


4. Salute to the flag led by Commander of the Barnegat VFW Post 10092

Poppy Proclamation presented to Commander John Rivers

Presentation by the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars Post 10092 to Charles Peterson and Keith Lee


Resolution 2013-51 **Tabled

Resolution authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel, public safety, contractual and litigation matters.


Motion to table resolution: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Conway: Yes Morano: Yes



5. Mayor’s Report

Read and made a part of these minutes


6. Committee Reports


M. Lisella – I attended the Municipal Alliance kick-off meeting for this year, this committee is a prevention for substance abuse for children in our community. Volunteers are needed for this very worthy cause. I have spoken with the Manager of the Waretown Shop Rite this week, and what the chances were of them coming to Barnegat, but they need over 60,000 square feet to open a store, we do have other areas other than the Genuardi’s site that will accommodate that, we will keep you advised.


E. Taylor – the Township and the Board of Education had a shared services meeting this past week, and I feel confident that the two will develop additional shared service agreements that will be beneficial to the community. We also discussed a review of the school student and staff safety. In response to the Newtown, CT tragic events, several steps were taken to improve upon an already solid program. School safety and security is a top priority of the Township and the Board of Education. Dock master Donation Program; the Township is responsible for balances after FEMA payments, which could be in excess of $300,000. In order to help defray these costs, residents can donate to this cause, and a permanent item, such as a brick will be placed. Mirage “Go Red” campaign, proud to say they raised over $9,000 for this campaign.


S. Conway – Recycling collection schedule, a meeting was held to discuss proposed changes to this schedule. It has been determined that additional services could be provided to the citizens of Barnegat for an equal or lesser cost than currently paid. It is recommended that the Township should engage in discussions with the Atlantic County Utility Association (ACUA) for a shared services agreement. We are hopeful to have a resolution to this issue by the beginning of March. Hurricane Sandy; Township Official’s have been attending numerous FEMA meetings dealing with recovery work, along with the all important reimbursement process. It is appears to this committee that there is a community wide opinion that the Municipal Dock must be restored; this work is considered a priority. The Township is moving forward in submitting a letter of interest for the FEAM Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. This grant program provides financial assistance for both public entities and private property owners. It will be important to residents seeking to elevate their homes according to the new guidelines.


A. Bille – I commend our Public Works in keeping our roads cleared of ice. I have received response from two interested companies for the Genuardi’s property; Top Tomato and Murphy’s Market.


7. Administrator’s Report

A follow up to some of the comments already made from the committee members tonight. We did come up with a couple enhancements to the school safety program. It is important for the Police and school administrators to keep in contact prior to the need for assistance in an emergency. The timing is right to discuss services with the ACUA. A competitive proposal is anticipated from them. We are looking to develop a hybrid collection schedule, increase pick up days in the summertime. We are also looking to maximize our FEMA reimbursement. As the Mayor indicated that the dock will be rebuilt by the end of May, the beach is not an issue, but both will be ready by that time. We are looking to determine the impact of the FEMA flood maps on Barnegat, which will require elevation of residences. Explained items on this agenda.


Motion to open Public Comment: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella

All are in favor


Norma Schuhalter – 6 Poplar Court: What is the policy between Comcast and Barnegat?

Admin: the Township has non-exclusive franchise agreement with Comcast, just as many other towns in NJ which means other carriers can come into town to provide services; the Township has not refused anybody to provide services. NS: The garbage situation is ridiculous with the trash cans, and the issue with lids all over the street. We can elect to return to the automated collection system, but the current system saves us roughly 2.5 million dollars over five years.


Phil Checcia – 12 Windward Drive: She is correct with the cable company, FIOS ends in Toms River, the problem is one wire-many users it’s a monopoly. We, the people, may have to ask the board of utilities to start a lawsuit. They should have a generator in the event of an emergency.


Norma Schuhalter – 6 Poplar Court: the rates just went up when I called to tell them service was bad, they said their wires are very old, and we do not have to replace them.


Toni Carrea – 3 Old Brookville Road: Looking for an update on the Johnson’s pit situation. Admin: the cars parked there are decreasing every day, and seem to be doing a commendable job. Our issue is with respect to the property owner, and their lack of obtaining the proper approvals prior to starting this. I am confident that once all the cars are all removed the property owner will be held to task to clean up the site.


Jake Taylor – 106 Newark Road: How much are the fireworks going to cost, and will it be taken out of the Open Space? Admin: we have a special event line item. JT: How did the engineer arrive at this number for the dock restoration it seems like a lot of money? Admin: this estimate was prepared by our new Township Engineer, site inspection needs to comply with numerous state and federal regulations in order to secure FEMA reimbursement. JT: the recent Planning Board meeting you voted for the Lafayette Assoc development on Barnegat Blvd., correct? SC: Yes. JT: this developer was instructed by our committee and the County that property was unbuildable if you followed all the ordinances. The original design was that there would be no driveways onto Barnegat Blvd., SC: the entire expressed it unhappiness of the development, however, under the law, they own the property, it was a residential property, they complied with all the requests, and they got permission from the County. Legally we faced a significant issue. Atty: these issues need to be addressed to the Planning Board not this governing body. JT: We passed a slope ordinance on this property, there had to be various leanings in order to allow these homes to be built.


Frank Pecci – 11 Hemlock Drive: Questioned resolutions on agenda, administrator gave explanations of each.


Richard Ward – 230 Edison Road: In relation to the FEMA flood maps, are you going to appeal the “V” Zone on the flood maps? Admin: we disagree with some designations of this zone, and we will consult with the Township Engineer and what information is required to have an effective appeal. This is an issue that towns from Sandy Hook to Cape May will have.


Marianne Clemente – 565 E. Bay Avenue: The recycling agreement? Are we doing a detailed cost benefit analysis? Yes, our goal is to secure a recycling collection service without laying off any personnel.


__________ 37 Hot Springs:


Motion to close Public Comment: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella

All are in favor


8. New Business:


Approval of minutes for December 17, 2012 Regular Meeting, December 27, 2012 Special Committee Meeting, and January 1, 2013 Reorganization Township Committee Meeting


Motion to approve minutes: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call: Taylor: Yes abstain Dec. 17 & Dec. 27th Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Conway: Yes Abstain Dec. 17 & Dec. 27th Morano: Yes


9. Formal Action Agenda


Resolution 2013-52

Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $6,129,448.88


Motion to adopt resolution: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call: Taylor: Abstain Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes

Conway: Yes Morano: Yes


Resolution 2013-53

Resolution authorizing Emergency Temporary Appropriations for the Current Fund


Motion to adopt resolution: E. Taylor Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes

Conway: Yes Morano: Yes


Resolution 2013-54

Resolution authorizing appropriation transfer for the Current Fund


Motion to adopt resolution: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes

Conway: Yes Morano: Yes


10. Consent Agenda:


The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, this item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.


Approval of the Town Wide Yard Sale for April 27, 2013 by the Barnegat Chamber of Commerce and the waiving of Township Garage Sale Permit for this same day


Approval of a Special Bingo License for Senior Citizen Associations and Clubs for the Brighton at Barnegat Clubhouse for the period of February 4, 2013 through February 4, 2015


Approval of Denise Piazza as a Volunteer First Aid for the Barnegat Township First Aid Squad


Approval of Brian S. Herczeg and Brendan Rainsford as Volunteer Firefighters for the Barnegat Township Fire Company


Approval of a Special Bingo License for Pheasant Run Homeowners Association for the period of February 7, 2013 through February 7, 2015


Approval of Garvey Races for East Coast Boat Racing Club on May 26 and June 30, 2013, contingent upon clear waterway letter from Coast Guard


Approval of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Annual “Coast the Coast” Bike MS Ride on Saturday, May 18, 2013


Approval of Barnegat Historical Society Flea Markets on July 27th and August 24th, 2013


Approval of 2nd Annual Jog with Jake on May 11, 2013 sponsored by Creative Financial Group of New Jersey


Approval for the distribution of poppies by the Barnegat Township V.F.W. Post 10092 from May 1, 2013 through May 27, 2013


Approval of an Off-Premise raffle for the PTO Barnegat High School to be held on May 18, 2013


Resolution 2013-55

Resolution authorizing a refund of Premium Paid at Tax Sale on Block 114.26, Lot 11, also known as 18 Anchor Road


Resolution 2013-56

Resolution authorizing a refund of Premium Paid at Tax Sale on Block 255, Lot 24.01, also known as 121 Brook Street


Resolution 2013-57

Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 93.02, Lot 3, also known as 6 Dogwood Drive


Resolution 2013-58

Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 114.59, Lot 41, also known as 57 Freedom Hills Drive


Resolution 2013-59

Resolution authorizing a refund of Premium Paid at Tax Sale on Block 114.47, Lot 1, also known as 135 Georgetown Boulevard


Resolution 2013-60

Resolution authorizing the Tax Collection to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 92.80, Lot 13, also known as 6 Gulf Court


Resolution 2013-61

Resolution authorizing a refund of Premium Paid at Tax Sale on Block 92.66, Lot 3, also known as 25 Mutineer Avenue


Resolution 2013-62

Resolution authorizing a refund of Premium Paid at Tax Sale on Block 114.53, Lot 5, also known as 7 Potomac Avenue


Resolution 2013-63

Resolution authorizing a refund of Premium Paid at Tax Sale on Block 116.26, Lot 19, also known as 25 Ravenwood Boulevard


Resolution 2013-64

Resolution authorizing a refund of Premium Paid at Tax Sale on Block 114.14, Lot 31, also known as 40 Schooner Avenue


Resolution 2013-65

Resolution authorizing a refund of Premium Paid at Tax Sale on Block 102, Lot 5, also known as 6 Seventh Street


Resolution 2013-66

Resolution authorizing the Administrator to apply for the Ocean County Tourism Grant for the year 2013


Resolution 2013-67

Resolution authorizing the Administrator to endorse an Agreement for the Municipal Alliance Grant for the year 2013


Resolution 2013-68

Resolution authorizing the Administrator to endorse an Agreement with Whispering Hills Apartment Complex for Waste Disposal Expenses for the year 2012


Resolution 2013-69

Resolution authorizing the execution of a Shared Services Agreement with the County of Ocean for the Traffic Safety Program known as Driving While Intoxicated Enforcement Program


Resolution 2013-70

Resolution authorizing the Administrator to endorse a contract with Schaefer Pyrotechnics for July 5, 2013 Fireworks Display


Resolution 2013-71

Resolution authorizing the Municipal Clerk to advertise for the receipt of bid for the procurement of Bell Mine and/or Carmeuse Hydrated High Calcium Lime


Resolution 2013-72

Resolution authorizing the Township Administrator to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program for the Township of Barnegat


Resolution 2013-73

Resolution authorizing the Township of Barnegat to establish a “Dock masters Donation Program” to assist with funding restoration efforts of the storm damaged Municipal Dock Facility


Resolution 2013-74

Resolution authorizing the reimbursement for the cancellation of winter classes for the Barnegat Township Recreation Department


Resolution 2013-75

Resolution accepting the proposal for engineering services for the Municipal Dock – Post Sandy Rebuild in the amount of $113,000.00


Resolution 2013-76

Resolution authorizing the reduction of a Performance Guarantee for Paramount Escapes Ocean Breeze, Section 2, Sanitary Sewer Improvements


Resolution 2013-77

Resolution authorizing the reduction of a Performance Guarantee for Paramount Escapes Ocean Breeze, Section 2, Site Improvements


Resolution 2013-78

Resolution authorizing the reduction of a Performance Guarantee for Paramount Escapes Ocean Breeze, Section 2, Water System Facilities


Resolution 2013-79

Resolution authorizing the release of a Performance Guarantee for Freedom Hills, Site Improvements contingent upon the posting of a two-year Maintenance Bond in the amount of $400,293.


Resolution 2013-80

Resolution authorizing the release of a Performance Guarantee for Well #9, Water System Facilities contingent upon the completion of certain work and the posting of a two-year maintenance bond in the amount of $93,477.


Resolution 2013-81

Resolution authorizing the Municipal Clerk to sign a lease agreement for a Kyocera Task Alfa 6550ci for 48 months at the rate of $487.19 per month


Resolution 2013-82

Resolution approving a contract for 2013 for the maintenance of the wells and pump stations with SCADA Control Systems not to exceed $17,500.


Resolution 2013-83

Resolution authorizing the Administrator to sign a contract with J. R. Henderson Labs for water testing for the Barnegat Township Water/Sewer Department not to exceed $17,500


Resolution 2013-84

Resolution authorizing the Administrator to sign a contract with Toshiba Corporation for maintenance on the Data Card Printer in the amount of $495. for the Barnegat Township Police Department


Resolution 2013-85

Resolution authorizing the Barnegat Township Police Chief to sign a renewal agreement with Guardian Tracking for support, maintenance and training services for Internet Access to the Guardian Tracking Personnel Documentation in the amount of $979.


Resolution 2013-86

Resolution authorizing the Administrator to sign a contract agreement with AAT Communications Systems Corporation for technical support for the DI Voice Vault DVD2SAS; 16RM1 In the amount of $356. per month


Resolution 2013-87

Resolution authorizing the renewal of the Nixle Communication System for 2013 in the amount of $3,000.


Resolution 2013-88

Resolution approving a Mobile Home Park License for Pinewood Estate Mobile Home Park for the year 2013


Resolution 2013-89

Resolution appointing members to the Economic Development Committee


Resolution 2013-90

Resolution authorizing the renewal of the license/maintenance agreement with Computer Information System


Resolution 2013-91

Resolution urging the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to increase the Federal share reimbursement for Hurricane Sandy


Resolution 2013-92

Resolution authorizing the Township Clerk to publicly bid for supplies, materials and services necessary to properly restore the Municipal Dock Facility


Resolution 2013-93

Resolution authorizing the waiving of fees for New Jersey Natural Gas for Hurricane Sandy restoration work


Motion to Adopt Consent Agenda: S. Conway Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call: Taylor: Yes Bille: Yes Lisella: Yes Abstain 2013-68

Conway: Yes Morano: Yes



10. Motion to Adjourn: E. Taylor Second: M. Lisella

All are in favor





I hereby certify that the foregoing

minutes were formally approved

by the Barnegat Township Committee:




Municipal Clerk