Barnegat Township is a fast growing community. Like most communities, Barnegat residents expect their neighborhoods to be maintained to a certain standard of acceptable living conditions. A few examples are:
- keeping lawns mowed to less than five inches
- keeping stored items from public view
- not parking cars on the front lawn
- keeping yards free from litter and debris, and
- keeping your residence in a good state of repair.
Contact Code Enforcement at (609) 698-0080 Ext 159
Barnegat Township receives a Grant from the State of New Jersey called the Clean Communities Grant. Since 1991, Barnegat Township has used this grant to clean litter from our streets and parks, investigate and prosecute illegal dumpers and provide educational programs to our community. Barnegat Township is a Bay Front community and it is important to remeber that everything that goes into our rain drains will eventually wind up in our bay. Please DO NOT place anything in the rain drains and help keep our waterways clean and safe.
We ask that you help us in our efforts to keep Barnegat Bay clean and litter free by following a few simple steps:
- Keep a litter bag in your car
- Don’t drop litter on the ground
- Keep your property and streets litter free, and
- report illegal dumping to 698-0080 ext 159 or 1-800-535-DUMP