December 27, 2012, 5:00 PM
ANNOUNCEMENT: At this time we ask everyone to please turn all cell phones or pagers to either OFF or VIBRATE
Call to Order
Salute to the flag
Township of Barnegat
Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law:
Pursuant to the requirements of the OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS LAW, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given:
a. By publication in the required newspapers of the date, time and location of this meeting more than 48 hours in advance.
b. By posting advance written notice on the official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building.
c. By filing advance written notice with the Township Clerk for the purpose of Public inspection.
Roll Call of Officials Present – Barnegat:
Committeeman Lisella – Present
Committeeman Morano – Present
Committeeman Melchiondo – Present
Deputy Mayor Bille – Present
Mayor Cirulli – Present
Township of Ocean
Township of Ocean – Open Public Meeting Statement
STATEMENT: Pursuant to the provisions of the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by sending a copy of the Notice of Meeting to two newspapers, The Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlantic City. The Notice was posted at the office of the Township Clerk
Roll Call of Officials Present – Ocean
LACHAWIEC ____ Absent
WETTER ______ Present
TREDY ______ Present
Michelle Lombardi sang self-written song, 26 Kisses to Heaven, in tribute to the victims of the Sandy Hook, CT shooting
D. Breeden – Explained that this meeting is conducted to adopt a Shared Service agreement for the Construction Code Department between Barnegat and Waretown. This sharing of service makes sense from a managerial perspective for the oversight of the UCC inspectors to be under one person. Payment will be made for hours actually worked, the Township of Waretown will reimburse the Township of Barnegat.
Motion to open Public Comment – Barnegat: J. Melchiondo Second: A. Bille
All are in favor
Motion to open Public Comment – Ocean: T. Wetter Second: D. Tredy
James Goldstein – questioned the rate of pay for the UCC official in relation to the shared service agreement.
Carl Chadwick – 145 Brook Street, Barnegat – questioned if the age of the Waretown official is an issue. Also, where the funds for payment will come from.
Elaine Taylor – 147 Spruce Circle North, Barnegat: I have trouble that you are binding me to an agreement that I have no documentation on, as I will be sworn into office next week.
A. Cirulli: explained that this was in the works for many months, due to the storm the finalization was delayed.
J. Lachawiec: explained that this agreement may be cancelled by either party in writing.
Jake Taylor – 106 Newark Road, Barnegat: concerned with the amount of work for the inspectors involved. What is the benefit to Barnegat?
Admin: explained that the Twp of Barnegat will generate revenue to offset the Construction Official’s costs. I would like to see the agreement; if it benefits me I am in favor it.
Phil Checcia – 12 Windward Drive, Barnegat: How long did the Waretown official work for you?
Mayor: Six years in different positions.
This is not the time of year to do this to this man.
Frank Pecci – 11 Hemlock Drive, Barnegat: why is it necessary to bring the two towns together for this?
Chris, 26 Longboat Avenue: What is the benefit of bringing this forward now versus in five days, after the New Year? How much did either Township save by doing this agreement?
Admin: Savings for both towns approximately $30-50,000.00.
Motion to close Public Comment – Barnegat: J. Melchiondo Second: M. Lisella
All are in favor
Motion to close Public Comment – Ocean: T. Wetter Second: D. Tredy
Barnegat – Resolution 2012-640
Resolution authorizing execution of a Shared Services Agreement for the sharing of Construction Official with the Township of Ocean.
Motion to adopt resolution: M. Lisella Second: A. Bille
Roll Call: Lisella: Yes Morano: Abstain Melchiondo: Yes
Bille: Yes Cirulli: Yes
Ocean – Resolution 2012-394
Resolution authorizing execution of a Shared Services Agreement for the sharing of Construction Official with the Township of Barnegat.
Motion to adopt resolution: T. Wetter Second: D. Tredy
Motion to Adjourn- Ocean: T. Wetter Second: D. Tredy
Motion to open public comment: Barnegat: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella
All are in favor
Discussions on frequency of recycling pick up schedule.
Len Morano – proposes weekly pick-up of recycling.
D. Breeden: met with incoming committee members to discuss with Public Works Supervisor relating to operations, and agreed to review impact of weekly recycling on the Township.
Al Bille – this would be a costly and unnecessary move, we have bins at the back of Town Hall for residents and is working very well, we can not afford this move.
Motion to open to the public: A. Bille Second: M. Lisella
All are in favor
Linda Kropf – The community of Mirage has given much to the Township. This adult community serves as a model to the Township, and the gates of Mirage are not only golden, they are diamond studded.
Arthur Sheiken – 16 Turtle Creek Run: Mirage is a great contributor to the Township; we have mutual respect with the administration, and do not feel why Mr. Morano is being difficult towards the residents of Mirage.
Pat Pipa – 8 Wavecrest Court: I find Mr. Morano’s comment about the golden gates of Mirage to be deplorable and offensive. He shows a clear bias towards all our adult communities and asks the new committee to reconsider nomination for Mayor of this Township. I have heard over and over from my democratic friends that the overspending is out of control, and now Mr. Morano proposes more spending with the recycling issues. Again I ask the incoming committee members to heavily consider your nomination for Mayor of this community.
Alice Heinz – 9 Castle Lake Ct: the Mirage Community gives the Township alone $1.7 million dollars every year. We moved here because we like it here, the Women’s Club gave $3,000.00 to the Food Pantry. We volunteer and help this community for the donations and taxes we pay.
Phil Checcia – 12 Windward Drive: This town has been divided politically since the developments were built. Art (Sheiken) came to the “Wawa Boys†to get on the school board. They are saying the other “un-gated†senior communities of this town do not contribute to the town. We gave more out of pocket before they (developments) were built.
(Phil escorted from meeting)
Corinne Spiranza – Heritage Point: We are not “you people†we are part of Barnegat; we are supposed to be one community. LM: The reference was to the people that knocked down the 10-acre lot development for a first aid building, it was a general reference.
Jack Leonardo – 1 Castle Lake Court: I have had the liberty of being on the planning board since 2000. I have been supported by both parties, and have never voted on anything that pertained to Mirage, I always did what was best for Barnegat. K. Hovnanian was to do the addition to the fire house. This topic never came to the residents to consider. LM: I apologize for what was said the committee at that time was lead to believe the residents rejected the building.
Charles Giles – 564 East Bay Avenue: What was said offended me as well, as a taxpayer. I think you need to stand up and apologize as our incoming Mayor.
LM: I will still work to unite everybody together; I do apologize for the misunderstanding.
Motion to close Public Comment: J. Melchiondo Second: M. Lisella
All are in favor
Motion to Adjourn – Barnegat: J. Melchiondo Second: M. Lisella
All are in favor
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes
were formally approved by the Barnegat
Township Committee:
Municipal Clerk