April 15, 2013, 6:30 PM

  1. Call to Order


  1. Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law:

Pursuant to the requirements of the OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS LAW, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given:

    1. By publication in the required newspapers of the date, time and location of this meeting more than 48 hours in advance.
    2. By posting advance written notice on the official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building.
    3. By filing advance written notice with the Township Clerk for the purpose of Public inspection.


ANNOUNCEMENT: At this time we ask everyone to please turn all cell phones or pagers to either OFF or VIBRATE.


  1. Roll Call of Officials Present:

Committeewoman Taylor –

Committeeman Bille –

Committeeman Lisella –

Deputy Mayor Conway –

Mayor Morano –


Invocation by Monsignor Ken Tuzeneu Pastor of St. Mary’s Church


  1. Salute to the flag

Presentation of Proclamation for Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month for April, 2013


Resolution 2013-167

Resolution authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel, public safety, contractual and litigation matters.


Motion to table resolution:                                              Second:

Roll Call:       Taylor:                       Bille:                           Lisella:                                                                       Conway:                   Morano:                               


  1. Mayor’s Report


  1. Committee Reports


  1. Administrator’s Report


Motion to open Public Comment:                                              Second:

Motion to close Public Comment:                                              Second:


  1. New Business:


Ordinance 2013-4  (First Reading)

An Ordinance establishing certain salaries of certain Officers and Employees and repealing any and all other Ordinances inconsistent herewith


Motion to introduce ordinance:                                                  Second:

Roll Call:       Taylor:                       Bille:                                       Lisella:

                        Conway:                   Morano:


Ordinance 2013-5 (First Reading)

An ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 46B of the Township Code entitled “Flood Damage Prevention” in order to provide for new Section 46B, entitled “Flood Damage Prevention”


Motion to introduce ordinance:                                                  Second:

Roll Call:       Taylor:                       Bille:                                       Lisella:

                        Conway:                   Morano:


Approval of minutes for April 1, 2013 Regular Township Committee Meeting,


Motion to approve minutes:                                                        Second:

Roll Call:       Taylor:                       Bille:                                       Lisella:                                                           Conway:                   Morano:


  1. Formal Action Agenda


Resolution 2013-168

Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $2,392,741.51


Motion to adopt resolution:                                                         Second:

Roll Call:       Taylor:                       Bille:                                       Lisella:

                        Conway:                   Morano:



  1. Consent Agenda:


The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, this item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.


Approval of the use of the Cox House for the Barnegat Historical Society’s Victorian Tea on May 4, 2013 from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm


Approval for the use of the Municipal Dock on June 21, 2013 from 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm for the Hospice Spring Memorial Service with the contingencies that the dock has been completed as of that date


Approval of an off-site show and sale of RV’s in Long Beach Campground on Route 72 on May 18 and 19, 2013


Approval of Thomas Curry as a Volunteer Fire Fighter for the Pinewood Estates Fire Department


Resolution 2013-169

Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 161.10, Lot 13.08, also known as 14 Burr Street


Resolution 2013-170

Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 172, Lot 40.01, also known as 20 Hillside Avenue


Resolution 2013-171

Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 116.,33, Lot 5, also known as 7 Orchid Lane


Resolution 2013-172

Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 114.42, Lot 10, also known as 15 Powerderhorn Drive


Resolution 2013-173

Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 116.20, Lot 10, also known as 1 Tanglewood Drive



Resolution 2013-174

Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 165, Lot 7, also known as 772 West Bay Avenue


Resolution 2013-175

Resolution authorizing the purchase of two (2) buses from the County of Ocean at a cost of $1.00 each for the Barnegat Recreation Department




Resolution 2013-176

Resolution authorizing the Township Clerk to advertise for the receipt of bids for Uniform Rental provided on a weekly basis for the Barnegat Township Public Works Department and the Water and Sewer Department


Resolution 2013-177

Resolution authorizing the Township Clerk to advertise for the receipt of bids for Recycling Collection


Resolution 2013-178

Resolution approving a contract for generator maintenance contract for 2013 for the Water/Sewer Department at a cost of $13,000. for the year


Resolution 2013-179

Resolution denying the release of a maintenance bond for Heritage Point, North, Sections 3B and 3C for Water and Sewer System Improvements


Resolution 2013-180

Resolution denying the release of a maintenance bond for Heritage Point, North, Sections 6A and 6B for the Water and Sewer System Improvements


Resolution 2013-181

Resolution authorizing the release of a Performance Bond for Well No. 9 and Water System Facilities contingent upon the posting of a maintenance bond for a two (2) year period in the amount of $93,477.00


Resolution 2013-182

Resolution authorizing the refund of Escrow Deposits to Green Thumb Day Care and Preschool as this application has received approval for the release of escrow funds


Resolution 2013-183

Resolution appointing a part time temporary inspector to a part time permanent inspector at the rate of $25.50 per hour


Resolution 2013-184

Resolution appointing a Deputy Tax Collector and a Senior Tax Clerk to the Barnegat Township Tax Collector Department


Resolution 2013-185

Resolution appointing a Bus Driver at the rate of $13.00 per hour for a shared services for this bus driver to be employed by both Barnegat Township and Ocean Township


Resolution 2013-186

Resolution authorizing an extension of a Maternity Leave until April 22, 2013


Resolution 2013-187

Resolution proclaiming the Month of April as “Autism Awareness Month”


Resolution 2013-188

Resolution supporting Assembly Bill 3896 and Senate Bill 2618 supplementing Eminent Domain Act as it pertains to Dune Construction and Beach Replenishment


Resolution 2013-189

Resolution authorizing approval of Engineering Certificate No. 3 and Change Order #1 in the amount of $800.00 and payment to Shore Connection, Inc. for the Hillside Avenue Sanitary Sewer and Pump Station Project in the amount of $44,305.15


Resolution 2013-190

Resolution appointing Joy Nacion as Municipal Court Administrator for a one (1) year term


Resolution 2013-191

Resolution appointing members to the Cox Museum and Library Management Committee


Resolution 2013-192

Resolution authorizing Michael Ball to file the 2012 Recycling Tonnage Grant to the State of New Jersey DEP


Resolution 2013-193

Resolution certifying the amount of Recycling Tax Paid for the Year 2012



Motion to Adopt Consent Agenda:                                Second:


Roll Call:       Taylor:                       Bille:                                       Lisella:

                        Conway:                   Morano:



11.  Motion to Adjourn:                                                            Second: