FEBRUARY 6, 2012, 6:30 PM

  1. Call to Order


  1. Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law:

Pursuant to the requirements of the OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS LAW, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given:

    1. By publication in the required newspapers of the date, time and location of this meeting more than 48 hours in advance.
    2. By posting advance written notice on the official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building.
    3. By filing advance written notice with the Township Clerk for the purpose of Public inspection.


ANNOUNCEMENT: At this time we ask everyone to please turn all cell phones or pages to either OFF or VIBRATE.


  1. Roll Call of Officials Present:

Committeeman Lisella – Present

Committeeman Melchiondo – Present

Committeeman Morano -Present

Deputy Mayor Bille – Present

Mayor Cirulli – Present


Invocation led by Reverend Glen Swank


  1. Salute to the flag led my Mayor Cirulli


Presentation to Barnegat Township Police Officers Lauren Keilitz and Michael DiBlasi for Valor and Courage


Presentation to Barnegat Township Police Officers Lauren Keilitz and

Michael DiBlasi from Jon of Spiaggia e Luna read by Deputy Mayor Bille


  1. Mayor’s Report read into and made a part of these minutes


  1. Administrator’s Report

Explained the 2010-11 School budget year and surplus amounts; Gov. Christie made cuts to school budgets, school budget was voted down by residents, Township spent $500,000 to install sidewalks on school property on the schools behalf.  2011 facility rentals generated $30,018.  Overall savings to the board of education of over $900,000 as a result of Township actions.


  1. Committee Reports


M. Lisella: Update on appeal process.  Congratulations to Officers.


J. Melchiondo: As liaison to police dept it makes me extremely proud to recognize officers Keilitz and DiBlasi.  Chamber of Commerce has met and set dates for upcoming events.  EDC met and set goal to erect Welcome to Barnegat signs.


L. Morano:  Thank you to officers.  We should accept credit cards and pass the 2-3% charge on to residents who use credit cards.


Mayor explained the process and passage of fees to residents.


Recommendation to accept credit cards for tax payments and for residents to pay any surcharges applicable to them:


Motion to accept:   L. Morano     Second: J. Melchiondo

Roll call: J. Melchiondo: Yes       M. Lisella: Yes

L. Morano: Yes               A. Bille: Yes              A. Cirulli: Yes


A. Bille: Attended dinner for installation of Volunteer Fire Department members, some for over 40 years of service.


Motion to open Public Hearing for the purpose of the Township of Barnegat applying to NJDEP for funding under the Green Acres Program to purchase the Fieramosca property, Block 202, Lot 9 and the Colletti property, Block 202, Lot 8:


Motion to Open Public Comment: J. Melchiondo Second: M. Lisella

All are in favor


No comment from public


Motion to Close Public Hearing: A. Bille          Second: J. Melchiondo

All are in favor


Motion to open Public Hearing for the purpose of the Township of Barnegat applying to CDBG for funding for the Transportation services:


Motion to open Public Comment: L. Morano              Second: A. Bille

All are in favor


No comment from public


Motion to Close Public Hearing: L. Morano    Second: A. Bille

All are in favor



  1. Old Business


Ordinance 2012-1 (Second Reading)

Ordinance establishing certain salaries of certain officers and employees and repealing any and all other Ordinances inconsistent herewith


Motion to open Public Comment: L. Morano  Second: M. Lisella

All are in favor


No public comment


Motion to close Public Comment: A. Bille       Second: J. Melchiondo

All are in favor


Motion to adopt ordinance: J. Melchiondo     Second: A. Bille

Roll Call:       Melchiondo:            Yes     Lisella: Yes              Morano: Yes                                                            Bille: Yes                              Cirulli: Yes

Ordinance 2012-2 (Second Reading)

Ordinance for a special emergency appropriation of $190,000 for the engagement of Special Consultants for the preparation of a Master Plan

EXPLANATION: This Funding Ordinance was originally adopted in 2011, and as a result of a publication oversight, this ordinance must be adopted for the record again in 2012.


Motion to open Public Comment: J. Melchiondo      Second: L. Morano

All are in favor


Frank Pecci – 11 Hemlock Dr: Look at costs for Master Plan fees.


Motion to close Public Comment: A. Bille       Second: L. Morano

All are in favor


Motion to adopt ordinance: J. Melchiondo     Second: A. Bille

Roll Call:       Melchiondo:            Yes     Lisella: Yes              Morano: Yes

Bille: Yes                              Cirulli: Yes


Ordinance 2012-3 (Second Reading)

Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 1B entitled “Americans with Disabilities Act” in the Barnegat Township General Code Book


Motion to open Public Comment: A. Bille        Second: M. Lisella

All are in favor


No comment from public


Motion to close Public Comment: A. Bille       Second: M. Lisella

All are in favor


Motion to adopt ordinance: J. Melchiondo     Second: A. Bille

Roll Call:       Melchiondo:            Yes     Lisella: Yes              Morano: Yes                                                Bille: Yes                              Cirulli: Yes


Ordinance 2012-4 (Second Reading)

Ordinance providing for acquisition of a street sweeper and other related expenses and appropriating $350,000. Therefor, and providing for the issuance of $350,000. in General Improvement Bonds or Notes


Motion to open Public Comment: L. Morano    Second: A. Bille

All are in favor


Frank Pecci – 11 Hemlock Drive: What are considered related expenses?  Admin responds that they are professional expenses.


Marianne Clemente – 565 E. Bay Avenue: Not certain on the procedure for adopting and tabling or voting down an Ordinance

Motion to close Public Comment: A. Bille       Second: M. Lisella

All are in favor


Motion to TABLE ordinance: J. Melchiondo   Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call:       Melchiondo:            Yes    Lisella: Yes              Morano: Yes                                                Bille: Yes                              Cirulli: Yes


Admin: briefed audience on upcoming agenda resolutions

Motion to open Public Comment: L. Morano  Second: A. Bille

All are in favor

Phil Checcia – 12 Windward Drive: Phil: what does a partial payment mean when you pay that to the school board?  Admin: on the Edmunds system a partial payment reflects a partial payment of the tax levy to the school board.  He proceeds to read OPMA statute and questions committee about Press conference held in January.  Questioned legality of Food Bank donation made on behalf of The Van Dyk group.


David Moore – Rose Hill Road: here on behalf of the Open Space Committee and appraisal of the Barnegat Blvd Barnegat Glen property.  Allocation of Open Space funds: plan on 50% of tax revenue designated to obtain open space.


Vinnie Lorenzo – Heritage Point: Resolution 112-115 do we really need these items?


Frank Pecci – 11 Hemlock Dr: questioning budget amounts.  Where is the money coming from for work done at the COAH property Route 9?  Affordable Housing Trust Fund, get fund balance.  Residents are going to be obligated for $2 million because the School Board had to take out note to make payments.


Committeeman A. Bille: responds to Vinnie Lorenzo’ concerns,  30 of 33 townships raised their (municipal) taxes as high as 23% last year, average of 5%, Barnegat along with only two other towns lowered the municipal taxes in 2011 to the taxpayer. Barnegat showed a 3% decrease.


V. Lorenzo: assessments go down, tax rate goes up?


Pat Groda: something wrong with assessment process.


Mayor Cirulli: responded that we are trying to fix the problem with the system.


Howard Effron – 163 Gunning River Road:  Affordable Housing fund: looking for balance sheet, wanted deposits and withdrawals of fund? A $1 million fund is now down to $75,000? Walters will then own the property once the housing is built?  Admin: Fund is not taxpayer money it is the Township’s obligation to provide from the Affordable Housing trust Fund.


Jake Taylor – 106 Newark Road: Congratulations to Mayor.   I have offered my services to serve on zoning board.   Affordable Housing costs the Township a lot of money.  Building 90+ units when only 54 are required.  Zoning board approved giveaways to the developer that are costing the Township money.  No taxes are paid by developer on any empty unit.  Children in these units will cause educational and recreational strain on Township.  Township should not pay for building to be demolished; these giveaways are a win-win situation for the developer.   Wants review of agreement for only the required 54 units to leave room for recreation at the site.  Mayor will look into agreement.  Are we still eligible for the money from Mirage? Mayor: yes we are still having discussions.

Strongly object to what happened with the Open Space trust fund.


Lisa Becker – 741 W. Bay Ave: President of BOE.  Audit was done publicly in October, stating that $1.4 million was going back into this year’s budget to property tax relief.  Committee’s press release reiterated what the BOE had already done, making it sound like they were doing something that wasn’t above board.  Outstanding relationship with our auditor, helped with corrective actions.  2008 budget had no reserves, shoddy school construction needed improvements.  Bussing was provided for students because sidewalks were not installed at residences when they were built, not the districts requirement for sidewalks.  State aid was under fire with the new Governor.  BOE budgeted for bussing because sidewalk construction was not certain at that time.  This budget year began with $900,000 in reserve account, this is federal money can not go back to taxpayers; it did not come from them.    Governor cut extremely on state aid, court ordered they must meet the funding form, which was given after budget was approved, and that money is set aside for property tax relief.   The comments made by the committee were politically motivated to make the BOE look bad.  BOE did everything above board.  The average tax payer does not understand the entire budget, bond, and financing process.  They can not be told these political leading statements.  Board took offense how this press release came about.  Board and committee will agree to move forward from this point to work together.  We need the school board and the township as a whole to draw the residents to our community.


Marianne Clemente – 565 E. Bay Ave: Please take to heart the comments Mrs. Becker said.  Sidewalks should have been done prior to the issue of courtesy bussing.  Trash contract should have included schools in the shared services agreement.  School budget percentage of tax bill has dropped 8% with this board.  How could you cut members from Open Space and Planning Boards?


Maria Capriotti – 46 Nautilus Drive: resigned from zoning board due to lack of advancement within board.  Consider school board and township have meetings together.


John Vanderbas – 7 Edgewater Path: read letter addressed to Mayor, committee and Zoning board secretary.  To build a good community we should include not exclude members of the entire community, not just retired residents.  Board by statute sets the meeting dates.  This member has resigned from zoning board.


Motion to close Public Comment:  J. Melchiondo     Second: A. Bille

All are in favor


  1. New Business:


Approval of Minutes for the Special Township Committee Meeting of December 30, 2011 and the January 1, 2012 Reorganization Meeting


Motion to approve Minutes: J. Melchiondo     Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call:       Melchiondo:            Yes     Lisella: Yes              Morano: Yes

Bille: Yes                              Cirulli: Yes


  1. Formal Action Agenda


Resolution 2012-71

Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $6,254,984.54


Motion to adopt resolution: A. Bille       Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call:       Melchiondo: Yes    Lisella: Yes              Morano: Yes

Bille: Yes                              Cirulli: Yes


Resolution 2012-72

Resolution authorizing Emergency Temporary Appropriations for the Current Fund


Motion to adopt resolution: J. Melchiondo     Second: M. Lisella

Roll Call:       Melchiondo:            Yes    Lisella: Yes              Morano: Yes

Bille: Yes                              Cirulli: Yes


Resolution 2012-73

Resolution authorizing transfers within the 2011 Municipal Budget, Current Fund


Motion to adopt resolution: J. Melchiondo     Second: A. Bille

Roll Call:       Melchiondo: Yes    Lisella: Yes              Morano: Yes

Bille: Yes                  Cirulli:  Yes


  1. Consent Agenda:


The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, this item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.


Motion to remove Resolution 2012-111 from consent agenda:                J. Melchiondo                                  Second: M. Lisella

All are in favor


Approval of Thomas Lynch as a Volunteer Fireman for Barnegat Volunteer Fire Department


Approval of Edward Vetrecin, Jr., as a Volunteer Fireman for Pinewood Estates Volunteer Fire Department


Approval of the use of the Cox House for a Murder Mystery Dinner scheduled for March 10, 2012, this was previously approved for a date to be determined in February, 2012


Approval of a 5K run/walk from the Municipal Dock to the Crosswinds Condos and back to the Municipal Dock on Saturday, April 28, 2012 proceeds will benefit the Variety Club, Autism Chapter of Southern New Jersey


Approval of the use of the Cox House for the Barnegat Historical Society annual Victoria Tea on May 19, 2012


Approval of the use of the Veteran’s Gazebo Park on Monday, May 28, 2012 for Memorial Day Ceremonies by the Veterans of Foreign Wars


Approval of the use of the Municipal Dock for Flea Markets on July 28 and August 25, 2012 for the Barnegat Historical Society


Approval of the use of the Veteran’s Gazebo Park on Sunday, November 11, 2012 for Veteran’s Day Ceremonies by the Veterans of Foreign Wars


Approval of the use of the Municipal Dock on Friday, December 7, 2012 for Pearl Harbor Ceremonies by the Veterans of Foreign Wars


Approval of the Annual “Coast to Coast” Bike MS Ride on Saturday, May 19, 2012 for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, New Jersey


Resolution 2012-74

Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 114.37, Lot 18, also known as 5 Colonial Court


Resolution 2012-75

Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 174.02, Lot 33.06, Q C05, also known as 249-5 South Main Street


Resolution 2012-76

Resolution authorizing a refund of premium paid at Tax Sale on Block 170, Lot 4, also known as 327 South Main Street


Resolution 2012-77

Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel charges on a Water/Sewer Account on Block 165, Lot 5, also known as 784 West Bay Avenue


Resolution 2012-78

Resolution authorizing the refund of unused escrow deposits, cash bonds and accumulated interest to Changqing Wu due to Zoning Board application being withdrawn


Resolution 2012-79

Resolution authorizing the refund of unused escrow deposits, cash bonds and accumulated interest to Daniel Narozniak due to Zoning Board application being withdrawn


Resolution 2012-80

Resolution authorizing the refund of unused escrow deposits, cash bonds and accumulated interest to Walters Development Company due to the possible withdraw of application for Docket #08-09


Resolution 2012-81

Resolution authorizing the retention of Developer Escrow Interest for balances under $100.00 per Barnegat Township Land Use Code 55-80.3


Resolution 2012-82

Resolution authorizing the refund of escrow deposits, cash bonds and accumulated interest to Harjinder S. Bedi due to project either having received approval or has been withdrawn by applicant


Resolution 2012-83

Resolution authorizing the release of the Performance Guarantee for Site Improvements for Carriage Estates contingent upon the posting of a two-year Maintenance Bond in the amount of $172,977.00


Resolution 2012-84

Resolution approving an application for preliminary Sanitary Sewerage Facilities for DeSapio Real Estate Development, LLC for Block 164, Lot 2.01


Resolution 2012-85

Resolution approving an application for preliminary Water System Facilities for DeSapio Real Estate Development, LLC for Block 164, Lot 2.01


Resolution 2012-86

Resolution authorizing the release of the Performance Guarantee for Site Improvements for Four Seasons at Mirage, Section 2B

Resolution 2012-87

Resolution authorizing the release of a Maintenance Bond for Water System Improvements for Four Seasons at Mirage, Section 6


Resolution 2012-88

Resolution authorizing the release of a Maintenance Bond for Water System Improvements for Four Seasons at Mirage, Section 7


Resolution 2012-89

Resolution authorizing the release of a Maintenance Bond for Concrete Improvements for Four Seasons at Mirage, Section 8


Resolution 2012-90

Resolution authorizing the release of a Maintenance Bond for Water System Improvements for Four Seasons at Mirage, Section 8


Resolution 2012-91

Resolution authorizing the release of a Maintenance Bond for Water System Improvements for Four Seasons at Mirage, Section 9


Resolution 2012-92

Resolution authorizing the release of a Performance Guarantee for Sanitary Sewer System for Gunning Hill Estates


Resolution 2012-93

Resolution authorizing the release of a Maintenance Bond for Sanitary Sewer System Improvements for the Commons at Hampton Ridge


Resolution 2012-94

Resolution authorizing the release of a Maintenance Bond for Water System Improvements for the Commons at Hampton Ridge


Resolution 2012-95

Resolution authorizing the release of a Performance Guarantee for Site Improvements for Heritage Point, North, Section 3B and authorizing the reduction of a Performance Guarantee for Site Improvements for Heritage Point, North, Section 3C


Resolution 2012-96

Resolution authorizing the release of the Performance Guarantee for Site Improvements for High Pointe at Barnegat


Resolution 2012-97

Resolution denying the release of a Maintenance Bond for Sanitary Sewer System for Independence Place


Resolution 2012-98

Resolution authorizing the release of a Maintenance Bond for Water System Facilities for Independence Place


Resolution 2012-99

Resolution denying the release of a Maintenance Bond for Site Improvements for Ocean Acres, Phase 1


Resolution 2012-100

Resolution authorizing solicitation of bids to complete Site Improvements in the Blue Claw Subdivision


Resolution 2012-101

Resolution authorizing Michael Ball to file the 2011 Recycling Tonnage Grant to the State of New Jersey DEP


Resolution 2012-102

Resolution authorizing payment #9 (Final) to T. Slack Environmental Services for the construction of the Fuel Storage/Dispensing Facility at the New Public Works Complex in the amount of $6,240.00


Resolution 2012-103

Resolution authorizing payment #3 (Final) to Bulk Storage, Inc., for the construction of the New Salt Storage Facility in the amount of $10,306.60


Resolution 2012-104

Resolution approving a contract for 2012 for the maintenance of the wells and pump stations through SCADA Control Systems in an amount not to exceed $17,500.00


Resolution 2012-105

Resolution approving waiver request for a Road Opening Permit for 9 Ensign Avenue


Resolution 2012-106

Resolution authorizing the Administrator to sign an Ocean County Development Block Grant for the Barnegat Township Transportation Assistance Program in the amount of $35,000.00


Resolution 2012-107

Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a Shared Services Agreement with the Ocean County Police Services for a Traffic Safety Program known as “DWIEP” Driving While Intoxicated Enforcement Program




Resolution 2012-108

Resolution the Chief to endorse a contract agreement with AAT Communications for technical support for DI Voice Vault DVD2SAS16RM!


Resolution 2012-109

Resolution authorizing the Administrator to apply for the Ocean County Tourism Grant for 2012


Resolution 2012-110

Resolution authorizing the Township Clerk to advertise for the receipt of bids for the demolition of an existing building on Block 159, Lots 2 and 3


Resolution 2012-111 (Removed from Consent Agenda for separate action see below)


Resolution 2012-112

Resolution authorizing public advertisement of specifications for the acquisition of one (1) aerial fire apparatus for the Barnegat Volunteer Fire Company


Resolution 2012-113

Resolution authorizing the Township to execute a contract under New Jersey State Contract Number A78843 for the purchase of various Public Works vehicles for the Township of Barnegat


Resolution 2012-114

Resolution authorizing the Township to execute a contract under New Jersey State Contract Number A78761 for the purchase of Law Enforcement vehicles for the Township of Barnegat


Resolution 2012-115

Resolution authorizing the Township to execute a contract under the County of Ocean Number B2011-193 for the purchase of Public Works vehicles for the Township of Barnegat


Resolution 2012-116

Resolution authorizing the scheduling of a Special Meeting with the Township Committee of the Township of Ocean on February 8, 2012


Resolution 2012-117

Resolution appointing member to the Township Planning Board


Motion to Adopt Consent Agenda: J. Melchiondo    Second: M. Lisella


Roll Call:       Melchiondo:            Yes     Lisella: Yes

Morano: Yes (abstain 2012-112-115)  Bille: Yes (abstain 2012-95)                         Cirulli: Yes


Resolution 2012-111 (Removed from Consent Agenda for separate action)

Resolution authorizing the Mayor to make application to the NJ Department of Environmental Protection, Green Acres Program for the purchase of Block 202, Lot 9 and Block 202, Lot 8


Motion to table Resolution: M. Lisella              Second: A. Bille

Roll call:        Melchiondo: Yes                Lisella: Yes              Morano: Yes

Bille: Yes                  Cirulli: Yes


  1.  Motion to Adjourn:  A. Bille                     Second: L. Morano

All are in favor